Proposal for 0x36 Onchain Keyper List

Shutter Keypers - Proposal for Onchain Activation

Proposal Title Author(s) Phase Type Date Created
Extension of the Shutter Keyper Set 5pence I Off-Chain November 11th, 2024


The Shutter DAO 0x36’s core purpose is to select and manage the Keyper Set. There is already a selected Keyper set on-chain, however, there are many new applications that need to be evaluated. In addition, the previous Keypers still need to be confirmed by the 0x36 DAO. With the staking contracts completed, it is now time for the DAO to confirm the previous Keyper set, and for the DAO to evaluate all new applications so that 0x36 can formally codify the Shutter Keyper set on-chain. The first step involves approval voting on Snapshot to decide on the new Keypers list. Successful candidates from this vote will then be added to the Keyper registry through a transaction committed on Decent in the second step.


Shutter DAO 0x36 was set up on Ethereum mainnet with a Keyper registry smart contract and an initial Keyper set based on the first Keyper set vote by the Shutter protoDAO (which is an early testbed for governance for Shutter): Initial Vote

In the meantime, there was a second vote and multiple new Keyper applications in the forum.

Following the outcomes of the initial and second votes by the Shutter protoDAO, and considering the multiple new Keyper applications on the forum, it is proposed to extend the current Keyper set in a two-step voting process.

Key information regarding the vote

This vote uses Approval Voting, and members can vote per proposal to either approve the proposal or not. When voting, select all the proposals you wish to approve.

Each proposal must gain an approval rate of 50% or more to be selected as a Keyper for this set.

Keypers are crucial to the Shutter Network’s operations. They are responsible for generating encryption and decryption keys to secure network transactions. This vital role supports a system that prevents ‘malicious MEV’ and promotes fairness in DeFi, playing a significant part in the wider Ethereum ecosystem. The setup and operation of this role are not complex or expensive.

Governance of the Keyper set

Members of the Shutter DAO 0x36 will periodically vote on selecting and updating the set of Keypers used in the Shutter protocol.

The community has created 2 proposals for becoming Keypers in this Keyper set.

We strongly urge the Shutter DAO 0x36 members to review these proposals before voting. All the proposals for this vote can be found at the Forum.

List of Keyper Applicants

Name/Alias Current Keyper status Keyper application Application activated? / Moonli Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
ivan / Ipetkov.eth Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
cyc / Infrasingularity LLC Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
NODEJUMPER Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
ElixirTradingLtd / Elixir Trading Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
crisog / Vista Staking Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
cacawcacaw / RavenDAO Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
NeonThunderX / Unity Capital Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
Damianz / Dmz Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
victor / OnBlock Ventures Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
srv433 Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
dimsome Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
cyebrG / cyberG Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
NODERS / [NODERS]TEAM Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
leo-taidileo / Taidi Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
POSTHUMAN Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
tarabukinivan Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link
d0z3y Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
moodman / breskulpeak Applied for 0x36 Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
yorick / CryptoManufaktur Keyper Set 1 Link
Blockscape Keyper Set 1 Link
jayjay Keyper Set 1 Link
5pence / 5pence.eth Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
jaybuidl / jaybuidl.eth Keyper Set 2 Link :white_check_mark:
cointon Keyper Set 2 Link
79anvi Keyper Set 2 Link :white_check_mark:
ZMo / Greenfield Keyper Set 2 Link :white_check_mark:
swissstar Keyper Set 2 Link :white_check_mark:
crbaa Keyper Set 2 Link
Shoni Keyper Set 2 Link :white_check_mark:
itrocket Keyper Set 2 Link :white_check_mark:
Grraarrgghh / Vault Staking Keyper Set 1 Link
han / JLH Ventures Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
stevestanzak Keyper Set 1 Link
jul1an / Julian (tonkatsu.eth) Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
shaoyang Keyper Set 1 Link
fredo (Luehrs.eth) Keyper Set 1 Link :white_check_mark:
czepluch / Jacob / pluch.eth Keyper Set 1 Link
chorus_one / Chorus One Keyper Set 2 Link


In the Shutter protocol, Keypers have an essential job: they keep the protocol running by generating certain encryption and decryption keys.

Keypers operate a node that creates these keys for different uses, such as votes in the Snapshot integration of Shutter or for transactions in any protocols where Shutter is used.

This role plays a big part in how the Shutter protocol stays secure. It involves using threshold encryption and Distributed Key Generation, which the Keypers manage. These create a type of digital lock that can only be opened when a certain number of Keypers work together. This is how the network ensures its transactions are secure and can’t be tampered with before their inclusion and order are fixed.

One of the biggest jobs within the Shutter DAO 0x36 is managing these Keypers, including running a fair Keyper Selection Process and ensuring any Keypers changes are made properly on the blockchain.




Voting Type

Approval voting

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I renewed my application in my initial application thread yesterday. Please add me. Thanks!


Hi, it is swissstar. I’ve renewed my application 3 days back, please add me. Thanks


Thanks @jul1an - I added the checkmark to your row indicating you renewed your application.

Thanks @swissstar - I also added the checkmark to your row indicating you renewed your application.

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I’ve renewed my application too

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Hey, I renewed my application, please add me

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@79anvi and @Shoni - I just posted the snapshot before I came back and found these comments.

You are listed on the proposal for potential activation, but I’m sorry that we didn’t have you listed with the white check mark as having signaled from your previous application.

We can make sure the delegates are aware you’ve signaled a refreshed interest.

All Delegates and Voters

Please use the list of “checkmarks” on this page for reference as we’ll keep it updated so all previous applicants that have signaled interest will be shown on the table in this post. The Snapshot proposal doesn’t show the checkmark for a @79anvi and @Shoni.


We renewed our application! Thx a lot

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Our application updated.

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I’ve renewed my application too

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Hello! We are resubmitting the request and asking to be added.

This proposal has closed on Snapshot.

The following Keypers received over 50% approval:

Keyper SHU Participation Rate
@swissstar swissstar 28M SHU 81.84%
@itrocket 25M SHU 74.89%
@jul1an jul1an / Julian (tonkatsu.eth) 25M SHU 72.86%
@fredo (Luehrs.eth) 25M SHU 72.83%
@5pence / 5pence.eth 22M SHU 65.32%
@jaybuidl / jaybuidl.eth 20M SHU 57.90%
@czepluch / Jacob / pluch.eth 19M SHU 57.34%
@d0z3y 17M SHU 51.24%

Hi friend, I would like to clarify if the current 7 Keypers who support the network are also elected and stay?

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Hello @moodman - No. The vote contained every Keyper who has ever created an application or signaled their desire to continue being a Keyper.

The DAO chose the Keyper set out of that list in this vote.

The outcome of this vote created the initial list of Keypers that will be registered onchain and launch with the new staking contracts.

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I think that we can create a new vote and make a bigger pool of Keypers, for example 16-24, many people have expressed their desire, I think that this cannot be ignored and we need to involve everyone as much as possible


Hi @moodman, In the proposal to list the Keypers onchain, the previously approved Keypers will be included.

See this draft of the onchain proposal for details:

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