Pluch.eth KEYPER application

I wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol.

Name/alias: Jacob / pluch.eth


Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: pluch.eth

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper? I’ve been following the Shutter project from day one and I have close ties to the company developing the protocol. I want to help the project as well as I can.

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Should the address be a fresh address or what is the recommendation? Couldn’t find a spec for what running a keyper requires exactly.

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Thanks for your interest in becoming a Keyper!

At the moment there is no hard recommendation on that, but fresh might be a good idea.

The more specific specs will be announced later as they get finalized.

Then why do we need to provide an address already? Personally I’d prefer to create one when I know the relevant setup it’s needed in.

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Right now, it will at least be used to identify the (accepted) Keypers when creating the voting proposal and the Keyper set.