79anvi Keyper Application

Name/alias: 79anvi

Email: 79andvik@gmail.com

Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0x99c5fB73f496110456aA8E80aE03C2D7548769c7

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper? I want to become part of the Shutter protocol. I have experience with Cosmos, Substrate, EVM nodes. My website is https://79anvi.com/


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Keyper!

The next vote will be coming soon, within a couple of weeks.

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@tatu Hi I apologize for the ping in this format, but our post is in moderation and we cannot receive an answer about whether we can participate in Keypers Could you help with this? For us it is very important

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Hello and apologies for the wait time in moderation.

Keyper applications are always open and any proposals that are posted will be included in the next Keyper Selection Process which happen regularly.

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