Srv433 Keyper Application

I wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol. I’m among the most active validators on the Gnosis Chain, see

Name/alias: SRV433


Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0x0dc7ae5c4a253315dbfe9e3dbaea3900209e85fe

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper? As a blockchain supporter, I’ve been validating on the Gnosis Chain for quite a while and gained quite a lot of experience in handling any kind of technical aspects on the chain and the validators set. I want to expand my knowledge by embracing the Shutter DAO project in guaranteeing privacy and fairness to the chain, I think I can bring a lot of experience to the project at multiple level.


Thank you for the interest in becoming a Keyper!

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Hi, I’d like to provide an update to the Ethereum Address for the Keyper Node.

Old address: 0x0dc7ae5c4a253315dbfe9e3dbaea3900209e85fe

New address: 0xb634b1ce497846ef490aa10ee39268e70a666644

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