Snapshot Boost (beta) - Request for Feedback


Snapshot has provided Shutter DAO 0x36 with beta access to “Boost” - a new feature designed to increase voter participation in specific proposals by allowing anyone to offer ERC-20 token rewards.

Rewards may be …

  • any ERC-20 token
  • any amount
  • distributed proportionally to voting power or via a lottery (to one or more winners)
  • used to incentivise voting in general (but not a particular outcome)

Request for Feedback

You can test out Boost during the next Snapshot proposal by offering and/or receiving rewards.

After you have had the opportunitiy to use Snapshot Boost (as a reward creator and/or as a voter), please share your feedback here.

Your feedback will be used by Snapshot to improve Boost. It will also be used by Shutter DAO 0x36 to determine if we wish to continue using this new feature in the future.



Why not, let’s do it ofc. We are all here in search of new features, tech, narratives, so yes, any innovation, new feature should be acceptable for a pilot try at least


This is great! At Snapshot we’re excited to see how Boost works out for Shutter DAO and welcome any user feedback to help shaping it. Also happy to help with questions anyone might have.


@aurelianoB Just informed me that Snapshot now supports Boost with Shielded Voting enabled. :partying_face: Excited to test this out to boost participation in the next proposals!


I tried to claim the boost rewards using Brave with the Rabby wallet. After clicking on the orange “Claim 1 reward” button, a “Claim your rewards” popup is shown with the text “You can now claim your rewards” . After this it is not clear what I should do next. No messages are generated for me to sign and there are no errors in the console log.

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