Proposal to set up a Snapshot space for Shutter DAO [Shutter DAO identifier]
Status: Proposed
Author: [Your Name or Shutter DAO Representative]
Created: [Date of Creation]
Simple Summary
This proposal proposes to set up a Snapshot space for the Shutter DAO [Shutter DAO identifier] to provide a cheaper way of voting for non-treasury, non-financial, off-chain DAO topics.
This Snapshot shall be used for any non-treasury, non-financial, off-chain DAO proposals.
[Community Member] sets up Snapshot Space with the following parameters:
Transaction details:
[Insert ENS register transaction code]
- [Relevant links to Shutter DAO’s resources, forums, and discussions]
- Vote “YES” to set up Snapshot space
- Vote “NO” to not set up Snapshot space