[TempCheck] SHU Snapshot Boost

That’s nice, Thanks for bringing this proposal @Baer_DAOplomats, as Shutter DAO already is supporting Snapshot Boost with Shielded Voting (link), it would be nice to see this feature used in practice in our community.

Both to explore more of the Shutter Application and also to stimulate our community, delegates and token holders being more active and participative.

After reading more about the booster feature, I see a potential in “Proportional Distribution”, also setting a maximum reward limit per voter to ensure a more equitable distribution and prevent any single voter from receiving a disproportionately large share of the rewards. My suggestion though (I would love to hear more members here) would be to do test different combinations and try to see their impacts.

A cool thing to do is keep track of the Governance behavior and if we are achieving the results from this new step, this can be achieved using DeepDAO dashboard or creating a Dune analytics (a POC until we have a broader Governance dashboard :rocket:) to see more about the behavior of Governance from Shutter. I would really need more time on that doing alone (if anyone wants to collaborate, I need to improve my SQL skills hehe).

Some cool references of Dune Analytics for Governance:

ENS Dune Governance Dashboard

Optimism Dune Governance Dashboard

Balancer Dune Governance Dashboard