Shutter DAO Fractal Feedback Thread

Fractal turns an organization’s Multisig into a modular, automated, and governable on-chain organization. This means adding a UI and modules to your Safe Multisig wallet specifically focused on helping founders who are outgrowing their Multisig. No more chasing signers for each and every protocol interaction, weekly payroll, monthly airdrop, or treasury management decision.

A Fractal is a specific type of on-chain modular organization.

Fractal is still new and in active development. Thus, we invite all Shutter DAO users to share their feedback, comments, thoughts, and possible bugs in this thread.

We will also have @tjos1234 from the Fractal team here following and replying to this thread, possibly sharing their thoughts and future updates for the Shutter Network community to help create an even better experience for all Fractal users.

A Shutter DAO would adopt the Fractal on-chain tool for its overall governance structure. Fractal transforms a multi-signature wallet into a versatile, automated, and governable on-chain entity. It is constructed upon the foundation of Safe (formerly known as Gnosis Safe). This approach ensures seamless and secure governance operations.

In addition, for a Shutter DAO, Fractal will be used to vote on the proposals, which can also have actions executed on-chain.

Using the Fractal governance framework has several benefits, such as allowing tokens to be delegated. Also, more modules like Uma (oSnap), or reality.eth could be added in the future.


Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself.

I’m Tom, project lead at Fractal and a big believer in modularity when it comes to onchain organisations. This is my 3rd venture with 2 exits and one failure to date.

Fractal’s features so far have focused on building on top of Safe{Wallet} to attach NFT/ERC-20 governance, onchain subDAOs and an snapshot space to any Safe Multisig. It is this modularity in decentralisation that attracted Shutter to launch their DAO with Fractal and we’re grateful you put your trust in us.

Both Shutter and Fractal are of course early in our respective journeys but from our perspective we’ll put in the work to make sure we thrive together and we’ll circle back fast on feedback to optimise your DAO experience.

With that in mind, one thing we’ve noticed is how active and honest this community is. It made sense to set up this channel where we can log feedback, catch bugs and continue to optimise the Shutter DAO experience.

We can’t wait to hear more from the Shutter community starting with the below…


As an update on fixes yesterday: - We know the DAO had some initial issues in:

  1. Receiving ERC-721s/ERC-1155s to the treasury
  2. The front-end showing votes going through pre any self-delegation

Thanks for highlighting these and for the proposal to fix the former. Fixes our side are now pushed to the Fractal production app. Let us know if anyone still faces issues

As next steps for the team this week - We’ve also heard requests around:

  1. Vote power - Clarity per proposal on what is the user’s current vote power along with when the snapshot was made
  2. Quorum - more UI specificity when it comes to visualising how many votes are required still to get to quorum
  3. Wallet Connect - not being fully up to date to the latest versions

The quickest wins here are point 1) and point 2). Both are having Figma drafts being made as we speak. Once we’ve validated the designs fit requirements, I’ll pass on a clear timeline… but no more than a few days.

Point 3) is a known problem but involves touching nearly every aspect of the app. This is our top priority and we’re hopeful of a fix sometime next week. We appreciate the patience

Ask - Please use this thread to raise anything else. No issue is too small or insignificant and we pride ourselves on turning around issues fast. I’ll try and be as responsive as I can


First and foremost, I think it’s absolutely awesome from the fractal team to quickly respond and be so open and proactive about feedback! Encourage anyone who had issues or have feature suggestions to let them know in the thread!

Fractal (and Safe-based pure token voting governance) is still quite new, so I think some of these issues are to be expected and I’m confident that the feedback will lead to the front-end maturing and being hardened by it.

Once all the issues are fully ironed out, personally, I’d love to see Fractal or anyone else (it’s open source software) to see convenience features, such as telegram bots to ping DAO members for votes and things like having proposal templates not have to be on-chain proposals (because that’s expensive and they might change).


Hey @tjos1234 Tom!

I appreciate your prompt response and willingness to address this issue. Instead of suggesting that I submit an issue on GitHub, your presence here on the forum is greatly appreciated. It’s good to see that you’re engaged with your users!

Today, I’d like to bring two observations to your attention:

1.) Error Messages and Long Waiting

When I recently visited a proposal on the web app (, I experienced a significant delay in the page loading. As a developer, I investigated further using the Chrome developer console and discovered CORS error messages, as shown in the screenshot below:

Additionally, the screenshot also highlights another issue - a 429 error indicating “Too Many Requests.”

2.) Formatting Issue

When I submitted a proposal, I formatted the text with paragraphs and line breaks to improve readability. Unfortunately, after submission, I noticed all the formatting was lost. It would be immensely helpful if the formatting could be retained, especially for longer proposals, to enhance content’s overall readability and presentation.

  • Quorum - more UI specificity when it comes to visualising how many votes are required still to get to quorum

One idea how to visualize this better: A graph that shows submitted votes over time, where the bottom half of the y axis is scaled to go from 0 to quorum and the top from quorum to 100%. Then you can see both total participation and how it relates to the quorum in one chart.


Hi @jobnomade , thanks so much for raising these.

Re; Error Messages - We also were alerted to this early AM this morning. It appears the automated provider (cloudflare-eth) injected by Wagmi was hitting limits or facing outages. Once our devs were online, we made the switch to a secure provider with no limits and have pushed the change. Please let us know if theres any issue now

Re; Formatting issue - I just tried it and I’m getting the same thing which isn’t correct. Will be a quick fix now that the above is pushed. I’ll update you soon.

Re; Quorum - I like this idea (i’ve forwarded it on to design)… but in a scaled back form for now to minimise the real estate used (i.e. in the future I’d like this whole graph as a pop up modal). The mandatory pieces I want to show for now is i) the quorum line (%) ii) the absolute # of votes still required to pass iii) both scaled so they are clearly visible . If we can also show more info from the quorum to 100% mark, that’d be great too but maybe as a v2 :). Lets see what designs they come up with


Hi Tom, thanks for the update. On point 3 I saw the Wallet Connect version issue and ended up reporting it in your repository. We have gone through this the migration process last year, it’s a bit heavy (especially when following WC’s recommendation of wagmi+viem instead of ethers) but in hindsight is a huge improvement. Happy to share some return on experience on the migration if that helps!


would be nice if clicking on the proposal title would open it. Only noticed the details button after a few seconds and clicking the etherscan link

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Hi everyone , a few Fractal updates:

  1. The issue I mentioned in Telegram with not having a wallet connected is fixed.

  2. This push also included a fix for line breaks in proposal formatting being maintained once it’s up for voting.

  3. Quorum and Vote power (see above) - Designs are now done for a quick fix. I’m just sharing with the Shutter team to get their feedback then we’ll start development

  4. Wallet Connect has been moved up from next week. We hoped for today but we found a bug in testing. Thanks for the offer to support also @jaybuidl and I’ve forwarded your migration to the team. We’ll hit you up directly once we’ve compared

  5. I hear you @jannik . This feels like low hanging fruit and - unless my team have any issue - could be in the push with Wallet connect. I’ll confirm

  6. I’ll soon comment in the thread around Snapshot some information about Fractal<>Snapshot space works as requested by @fred-bb

I’ll share another update towards the end of week Best, Tom


It would be very nice to see when the snapshot of voting power has been taken (block or timestamp) for a particular proposal. Thanks for the update!


Thank you @tjos1234 for your help and your availability in the early days of the DAO, this is much appreciated !

We saw that you have mentioned a potential integration with reality.eth in the future. As we said in our delegate application DAO Delegate Nomination - Kleros Labs, Kleros can be used as a tool for Optimistic Governance. It works thanks to the reality.eth module you mentionned. In this module there is a specific slot for an arbitrator and Kleros protocol can be used to secure the system. Here are some information if you are interested: this setup is used by 1inch DAO for almost 2 years to secure their long-term Treasury.

At Kleros we have some expertise with the tech and the specific policy for the reality question, so if needed we would be happy to help your team on setting up this module.


Hi @0xAlex , thanks for this share and let me check it out for sure. I’ll follow up on the other thread with questions


Re; Fractal Update 9th Feb

This reminded me I haven’t shared with everyone some updates coming your way from the Fractal team

1) Re; Quorum + Voting Power UI Improvements -

  • See point (3) in my above update.
  • @jaybuidl We will have this implemented either late tonight or Monday AM
  • Excitingly, this will add to the proposal page i) voting power (i.e. the specific wallet connected has for this specific proposal), ii) the time when the snapshot was taken iii) a new way of visualising quorum borrowed from
  • Look forward to your feedback here as we’re going to continue to optimise this proposal page (especially quorum) with more time

2) Re; Proposal creation to allow Tuples -

  • A shutter team member alerted us that the current creation flow didn’t allow function calls with tuples. This got prioritised , fixed and pushed yesterday

3) re; Wallet connect + Optimising App data flow.

  • See point (4) in my last update above
  • This is still the #1 priority but to @jaybuidl 's point, its a lift. As it was so heavy, we decided to incorporate this fix into a wide refactor that we’re pushing to improve app effectiveness (e.g. lag when switching between wallets, chains or proposals)
  • Timeline to come soon…

4) Click proposal title to open

  • see update (5) in my last post above
  • @jannik we did get some diverging views internally on this . Due to this, we’ve added it to the backlog for after wallet connect/app refactor. This means, we can make the change design consistent to all areas of the app

Excited to get your feedback on the quorum / voting power changes and more to come soon :crossed_fingers:


Would be awesome to also:

  1. Be able to make the textbox used for the description of a proposal bigger. Right now you can only see a couple of lines of text.

  2. Be able to use markdown for formatting the proposal text

  3. Not get an error immediately after pasting the function signature without providing the arguments yet

  4. For some reason the timer on the current active proposals show as if there are 3 hours and some minutes left instead of 3 days and some hours.

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Would also be great to have a filter for spam tokens in the Treasury overview somehow


And it would be great to have a “review” view before approving the transaction to create a proposal, so that the creator has a chance to make sure everything looks correct.


The list view of proposals should allow me to click the proposal title, not only the “vote” button. Why? Because I am lazy to move my mouse to the button AND The vote button indicates a “false” indication that I am voting right away instead of viewing the proposal. My user intent is to view and not to vote.


Hi everyone, sorry for the delay.

@jobnomade - yes this is a great point. We’re reviewing the proposals list now based on 1) this feedback to make viewiing easier (I also see your ‘false indication’ point ii) add quorum visibility at proposal list layer without clicking in iii) add execution countdown timer along with the current vote timer

@czepluch - this is amazing feedback for the create a proposal flow. My priority is to smooth the voting experience first (just because it impacts more DAO members) but we’ll get to this soon after we’ve looked at the proposal list above

Cheers both.