Shutter DAO 0x36: [On-chain] #8 Proposal to unlock resources for growth

An on-chain proposal vote for Shutter DAO 0x36 has been created at Fractal by a community member 0x2fAb8A8Eb6fF05A9DdB14042b55A7DC92ca84701.

#8 Proposal to unlock resources for growth

Start Date: Feb 22, 2024, 4:31 PM CET [See your local time at Fractal]

End Date: Feb 25, 2024, 5:11 PM CET [See your local time at Fractal]

See details at Fractal:

The on-chain proposal for Shutter DAO 0x36 has closed after the voting process.

The proposal did not meet the necessary 3% quorum. There were 5,071,512 SHU votes from the required 30,000,000.

Breakdown of votes:

No: 78%

Yes: 17%

Abstain: 3%

As a result, the proposal did not gather enough community sentiment from the Shutter DAO 0x36 voters, and this should not be considered a valid vote.

As the proposal did not gather enough community sentiment and meet the required quorum, the author should either revise the proposal or abandon it.

If so chosen by the author, it would be recommended to gather more feedback from the community and then submit a revised proposal for the community to review, discuss, and provide feedback before moving to a vote again.