Update from 22nd Feb - From Fractal team
A PR just got pushed to Fractal production which made another significant improvement to the wallet-connect issue. This should mean voting from Frame, SafeApp, and others as clean as using Metamask or CB wallet. If you have these wallets and still have issues please let me know here or TG (@tjos1234)
We did have one user still having trouble with an MPC wallet so we’ll pick that up next if this PR doesn’t resolve
By end of week we’ll also have an optional PR that switches out Rainbow Kit for Web3Modal. We’re still weighing up the pros and cons of this. Once decided, I’ll write up here and then we’ll pause on any wallet connection issues unless more arise.
Next week, we’ll pick up more adhoc requests like the ones above starting most likely with the proposal list with our design team and then moving onto the create a proposal flow in the coming weeks
Finally, we’re super interested in the gas questions Shutter is rising. We’re already discussing with oSnap / reality.eth<>Kleros on how to better integrate oSnap with Fractal (as we’ve done already with Snapshot). Next, we’re exploring more research paths (more of a mid term timeline) for Mainnet<>L2 DAO activitity as well as Account abstraction for DAO expensed gas.
Thanks so much and stay tuned
Displaying the right time is crucial.
According to etherscan the proposal 9
was submitted at this date time.
(Feb-23-2024 12:34:11 AM +UTC)
Source of the UTC time: Ethereum Blocks #19286751 | Etherscan
However the proposal user interface displays
Feb 23, 2024, 1:34 AM
Which timezone do you use to display the date time?
As a voter living in another timezone, I am confused about how much time is left based on my timezone and not on the timezone defined by Fractal’s system.
It is unclear how much time is left for me to vote, or it creates more friction.
Another suggestion in this respect.
As a voter I often keep the proposal in a browser tab open.
The timer that is displayed on the list view would be also helpful in the details view.
Hey @jobnomade - so sorry for the delay here. My gut take is we handle local timezones in our UI but let treble check this and come back to you. Apologies again
@jobnomade - from the team
'we saw and implemented this
To confirm, times are shown local to the user, and to make that clear we added the GMT offset after the time as well as hovering on that time will show the GMT time which matches what’s shown on etherscan’
I hope that helps
Hey, the rest of Shutter DAO 0x36,
A very belated update as we have - for the URL reasons below - stored up a big feature push targeted for early next week so we could give you a heads up.
This production push will include:
- UI changes to the proposals list (i.e. easier to check quorum cross-proposals)
- A new way of handing URLs in the Fractal App for your DAO / Safe. Now it specifies the DAO’s chain as well as it’s address handling a MAJOR UX issue when joining from a different chain
- A replacement of RainbowKit with Web3Modal for wallet management
- Allowing network switching even when no wallet is connected
- Some clean up on SubDAOs (i.e. to prep Shutter’s potential use of SubDAOs based on subDAO requirements of this (link) and this (link)
- Pushed our Polygon Network implementation to production to ready us for our next chain implementations (Gnosis Chain and Base)
- Other small UX improvements
Main things to note
- Please feedback if having any issue with the new proposal list and/or network connections via web3modal.
- Please review this guide for detail on the benefits of the new URL change AND any potential impact
- Note - we’ve worked hard to make this URL impact near zero, but feel free to change any social links or browser bookmarks to the updated URL seen in the notion
Thanks so much
Tom - Fractal Product Lead
Thanks for the updates Tom!
Observations as screenshots
My browser froze.

And then hang up.
After disconnecting my wallet and clearing the browser cache, it worked again.
The proposal list view needs about 40 seconds to display the proposals. I looked at the waterfall and browser network and there is a bunch of things going on.
However, from the UX point of view.
- While the network is loading, requesting as a user I see the message “No proposals found”. This message is confusing for someone who is new to fractal, with the 40 seconds this can cause a user to skip the view or question why there aren’t proposals and just leave.
- In the second step, shortly right after, the message “Create Proposal” is displayed next to the “No proposals found” message.
As a user, I would expect the following message or experience.
- A message “Trying to load proposals…”
- After the network request is finished, “No proposals found.” + “Create proposal”.
Thanks @jobnomade . Completely agree. Proposals load time is a hard problem for us …but so annoying that we need to solve it
Next steps - We’re just reviewing a PR to change how we load proposals so they load one at a time from most recent (instead of all at once to cut the load)
Once, we’ve got that changed pushed, we’re going to look at the user comms
We’ll for sure incorporate your feedback into the latter. I’ll hit you up when its close
Hi everyone,
Next Fractal production push has just gone live including:
- Upgraded Create a Proposal flow (incl. preview, turning ABI into what function calls are available etc)
- Added Base and Optimism support to Fractal (note - gnosis chain next)
- Small Fixes for how DAO name / Snapshot ENS’ are attached to DAOs / SubDAOs
- Small fix for how we handle nonce’s in Multisig app
We saw your snapshot proposal where ‘Optimism’ just scraped ‘Gnosis chain’ so prioritised this just in case… along with ‘Base’ (based on other requests). Gnosis chain will come soon though
My ask - if any Shutter 036 member is creating proposals soon, would love feedback on the new flow as well as if there are any issues.
Can we connect a multisig on op to a Fractal contract on main net?
Not yet.
At ethdenver I sussed out a path with Gnosis guild for doing that with gnosis chain (at the time that was my guess as to where it’d happen)
I still need to look at Optimism more and see if its also doable.
Either would take a bit of time but happy to pull it up in urgency if interested