Certainly a possibility.
Perhaps it’s something that could be voted on.
Any number of names can point to the treasury for what’s called “forward resolution”. So all three of those names could resolve to the treasury’s address, and all three do currently.
(Meaning you type the name into etherscan or a wallet and it resolves to the treasury’s address.)
However, there is a 1 to 1 relationship with what’s called “reverse resolution”. The name that reverse resolves from the address is called the primary name. A wallet hash can only have one primary name.
That means when typing the treasury’s address (hash) into etherscan for instance, you’ll see the single chosen name, the primary name. This is also the name that’s shown when that wallet hash connects via wallet connect or similar.
There currently isn’t a primary name set for the treasury’s address. The primary name can mostly only be set by the wallet hash itself, so it will require an executable from the treasury.
TL;DR - none of those three names is the “primary name” for the treasury, and once one is selected an executable will be needed to perform the transaction.
Some details around setting the primary name for contracts are here in the ENS Docs.https://support.ens.domains/en/articles/7902626-set-primary-name-for-contract
(*edit for additional clarity - I personally don’t have any control over any part of any of those three names anymore. They are all 100% owned and controlled by the treasury address. They look different in that screenshot because one is an ERC-1155 and two are the older ENS style ERC-721. Functionality is mostly the same for our purposes)