[Feedback request] for a Shutter Onboarding Program

Dear Shutter friends,

We’re excited to see such positive traction. Thank you all for your ongoing support!

As we evolve rapidly and in light of the exciting events lining up, we’re mindful of the influx of new information our community will face. Shutter, by its nature, entails complex technical elements and addresses topics that are hard to grasp for the broader audience. Nevertheless, Shutter is a protocol that ultimately benefits thousands of DeFi users, fellow protocols and developers via shielded voting, censorship resistance, front-running protection, and encrypted mempools.

To streamline this information and make these topics more accessible, we’re proposing an extensive step-by-step onboarding program. This program aims to help community members stay informed with periodic quest updates and interact with the Shutter protocol across different platforms. The Shutter onboarding program consists of three levels designed to guide a community member from ‘Newbie’ to ‘Shutter Trailblazer.’ Each level will feature a series of present and future quests, unlocking rewards to be determined. It’s a dynamic onboarding program that will evolve over time.

We plan to use Galxe as the tool to build the Shutter onboarding program, as it offers the most customization and options in terms of quests. We would love to hear your thoughts on this idea. If you support the proposal, kindly give it a like, so the Shutter team can further count on your support. :blush:


Given how Galxe’s campaigns have helped to increase awarness about the projects, I am personally strongly in favour of Shutter carrying out its campaign.

I have participated in many Galxe campaigns myself and have experienced how much a community can grow by just interesting quests on this platform.

I am all for it!


100% support!

0xjakub via Shutter Forum <notifications@shutterdao.discoursemail.com> 于 2024年1月19日周五 19:12写道:


I think this is a great idea!


We support this proposal. Increase awareness of MeV and related knowledge would help with network adoption


Supprt the action. And probably increase the post and activity on twitter which also be a good way to get more awarness


Great idea! Supprt the action :wink:


I am supportive as well, let’s spread the word!


I recommend against this.

This sounds like a waste of money. The audience of Shutter is highly technical. Onboarding programs are something you use to introduce new people to cryptocurrencies. Shutter core audience is validators and developers and they do not use such programs.


To increase Shutter awarness and adoption, better model to copy is what Flashbots is doing with its research and technical documentation. Generally Flashbots and other such infrastructure projects are closer to Shutter than any retail-user oriented airdrop farming.


Documentation makes total sense.

Not so sure on the research and “thought leadership” side.

I do agree with your original, more important point that I am not sure that the OP is additive.


Hi @miohtama :slight_smile:

Thanks for voicing your valid feedback, I appreciate it!

Allow me to clarify, providing insight into our onboarding program tailored for those already familiar with crypto.

This initiative involves delving into more technical topics because we truly believe it’s essential for the average DeFi user to be knowledgeable about and understand them. MEV impacts every user beyond the technical realm, and that’s why we aim to make this knowledge accessible and digestible.

Onboarding steps include tasks such as:

  • Familiarizing users with the broader topic of MEV, enabling them to grasp the benefits, hence the value of Shutter (features like shielded voting, encrypted mempool, etc).
  • Reading relevant Shutter blog posts, followed by related quizzes.
  • Participating in educational Twitter Spaces.
  • Trying out shielded voting.

While the initiative won’t exclude pure airdrop hunters, they will engage in tasks that educate them about Shutter and MEV. On a broader scale, it still serves the goal of increasing Shutter’s visibility across different communities.

Beyond the onboarding program, current initiatives to increase Shutter awareness should continue in parallel, including blog posts, an increased Twitter presence, and strategic efforts.

I hope this overview provides a better understanding of our vision. Taking your points into account, we will further refine the onboarding plan. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Feel free to share further comments or suggestions.

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This initiative involves delving into more technical topics because we truly believe it’s essential for the average DeFi user to be knowledgeable about and understand them.

Thank you the good clarification.

As far as I understand, the goal of Shutter is to build MEV-resistant chains so that the average user does not need to be knowledgeable about the MEV issue. While user education is a good idea, any such onboarding program does not bring immediate value to Shutter.

If there is competition for DAO resources, programs without a direct impact on Shutter adoption could have a lower priority and resource allocation % than other programs that might have more tangible, direct benefits. More direct impact would be in reach out for layer 1/2 teams, wallet teams and such, who directly affect Shutter adoption.

It’s all about resource allocation, and it depends on how much money DAO can spend on ventures that do not directly benefit it. If DAO can easily afford such programs and they do not present a meaningful impact on the treasury.


I fully agree with your point!

Rest assured, at this point, it is not a proposal for the DAO, it is a request for feedback, which is very appreciated. At this stage, nothing is requested from the DAO, including funds or other resources.

It’s important to consider that empowered user communities, armed with this knowledge, can effectively disseminate information and generate interest among relevant teams. Additionally, they can exert pressure, potentially even by submitting DAO proposals within their respective L1/L2 communities to facilitate the integration of Shutter across various chains.

Looking ahead, the plan is to expand the onboarding process to include developers. This initiative aims to spark interest and encourage the deployment of Shutter in diverse environments.

In my opinion, for the sake of Shutter, we have to be present on multiple fronts to bring overall success to the project.


I would maintain my support for this proposal, primarily because it’s not just the projects that need to integrate Shutter’s harmful MEV mitigation strategy, but also the non-technical users Shutter aims to protect. These users must understand the tangible benefits to motivate projects to integrate.

In our niche community, the distinctions between Shutter and Flashbot might be clear, but the vast majority of cryptocurrency users are largely unaware. They don’t comprehend the extent of the harm caused by MEV, the mechanics of Flashbot auction, and, consequently, may not even be aware of what Shutter offers or its existence and benefits.

Without raising the awareness level, I find it is hard to imagine how different Layer 1/Layer 2 protocols would allocate resources and undergo governance processes to integrate Shutter. The necessity of widespread understanding and recognition of Shutter’s value proposition cannot be understated for its successful adoption.


Without raising the awareness level, I find it is hard to imagine how different Layer 1/Layer 2 protocols would allocate resources and undergo governance processes to integrate Shutter.

While I agree with you that the awareness level must be raised, I believe doing any “onboarding” program for raising the awareness level is not the right tool. There are better ways and these kind of program for this task would be a waste of money in this point.

So devil is the details. Hopefully DBecane will clarify. I think some other proposals on better way to raising the awareness could also be helpful.

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@DBecane - To evaluate objections around ROI, we’ll need to have an understanding of what resources you’d expect this initiative will require. What human or financial resources would you expect this would need? Also, do you have any examples of similar programs you can point to?

This is a really good point. Part of the success of this project will depend on the DAO’s ability to get some amount of public support for the goals. Providing a way for interested parties to become more educated on MEV and shielded voting is a valuable public service, and could help build consensus around the need for these technologies in our ecosystems.

It might be that the term “Onboarding” has some negative baggage, but if the goal is to offer a way for novice-moderate users to become experts in MEV and shielded voting, it seems to be a very valuable goal. My support on this would be dependent on the anticipated costs, but I certainly don’t think it should be dismissed yet.


My view on this program is that while the users don’t need to fully grasp MEV, currently, with malicious MEV existing, they cannot understand its consequences and the benefits of Shutter without understanding MEV, specifically malicious MEV.

Understanding the benefits of Shutter helps the end-users choose to use rollups/chains that could have malicious MEV protection by Shutter, which has the potential to lead to future benefits for the Shutter ecosystem and a Shutter DAO.

While Shutter is mostly a business-facing project, a handful of individuals can only do so much to attract integrations. Suppose more people are aware of malicious MEV and shielded voting. In that case, they can also push the other communities they are a part of to integrate Shutter or choose to use options with these benefits. In turn, that has a potential where, if chosen to be implemented, a DAO could benefit from potential fees from these integrations, in addition to the end-users having a better user experience.


Thank you, everyone, for your feedback on the Shutter Onboarding Program initiative. It’s great to see so many people participating :pray: We appreciate your input, and we’ll consider your valid points for improvements. With the feedback collected, we have what we need to proceed, and here’s a summary of the main concerns we addressed.

:white_check_mark: Goal: Create a valuable initiative to educate newcomers.

Reiterating: As I, @han, and @5pence have mentioned, the overall goal (measured by KPIs) is to provide education for novice-to-moderate community members. We anticipate that most members joining the Shutter community in the next few weeks will be in this level of knowledge.

:white_check_mark: The Team will monitor success KPIs

Sharing some of the listed KPIs we will use to determine the initiative’s success.

  • % growth across community and social media channels including X (formerly Twitter), Blog subscribers, Forum
  • Number of reads, % successful quiz completion
  • % increase in participation on Snapshot with DAOs using shielded voting (Applicable at a later stage, not in the initial phase)
  • Website visits
  • Attendance in educational content, such as X Spaces

:white_check_mark: Resources don’t come from the Shutter DAO 0x36 Treasury

There are no costs/ROI for the community to consider in this initiative. Therefore, no official voting is needed.

:white_check_mark: Goal: To get Feedback on the idea

Thanks to everyone who has participated so far. As a team, we are committed to achieving maximum output with what we do.