Vault Staking Keyper Application

We wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol.

Name/alias: Vault Staking (Grraarrgghh)


Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0x7238E49003771F9A1bE44585483979c69B6b0F5c

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper? Vault Staking is a large-scale Infrastructure Provider, hosting over $200m in TVL and currently running 20 Mainnet and 10 Testnet Validators/Indexers/Nodes/Sequencers/etc, as well as RPCs for 6 Networks. We also specialize in bespoke Discord bots for a variety of uses (faucets, alerts, on-call notifications, etc.) We actively support a variety of ecosystems, including EVMs, COSMOS and Polkadot/Substrate. We are also part of various Validator fairness groups, and actively work within Validator communities to flatten returns for providers of all sizes, and promote decentralization via re-delegation and active petitioning.

Shutter’s raison d’être (fighting Malicious MEV) is harmonious with Vault Staking’s core values and consistent actions as an Infrastructure Provider. It is without reservation that we would like to commit our infrastructure to this effort.


Hello and thanks for the interest in becoming a Keyper!