Shutter DAO 0x36 Proposal for Curation on Fjord Foundry

Shutter DAO 0x36

Proposal for Curation on Fjord Foundry

Status: Proposed

Author: Jiraiya - Founder of Tailored

Created: 31 Jan 2024


Proposal to select a curator for the upcoming Shutter Network Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) on Fjord Foundry.


Shutter DAO 0x36 had voted 91% in favor of running a Shutter Token (SHU) LBP on Fjord Foundry. Selecting a reputable curator is imperative for running a successful LBP.

The role of a curator is to conduct a thorough due diligence process on a protocol, which includes:

  • Looking into the team, their history, and their track record.
  • Identifying the unique value proposition of the protocol and potential applications in the space.
  • Evaluating the protocol’s growth prospects.
  • Ensuring the LBP parameters are safe for community participation.

Upon completion of this report, the curator will accept Shutter Network as a curated project. This enables the pool to be whitelisted on Fjord Foundry’s website, enhancing its visibility.

A curator’s track record and influence in the space are vital, as their approval serves as a ‘stamp of approval’ on the protocol.

In exchange, curators on Fjord Foundry receive 2% of the total sell-side volume generated throughout the length of the LBP. For example, if an individual sells $2,000 worth of $SHU tokens back into the pool throughout the LBP, assuming the value of each $SHU token is valued at $1, the curator will receive 40 $SHU tokens.


Jiraiya, the founder of Tailored, is proposed as the curator.

Tailored is a full-stack web3 agency that provides customized solutions (including development, design, ghostwriting, and marketing) for a wide range of clients. Tailored has deep experience managing and promoting Fjord Foundry LBPs, including some of the most successful recent LBPs: Vector ($5.78M+) and LENX ($10.22M).

Tailored Agency has provided extensive KOL support and management services to notable industry leaders such as MUX Protocol, Curvance, Metastreet, and many more.

Jiraiya has already conducted thorough due-diligence on Shutter, including the protocol, Keyper set, and Shutter DAO 0x36.

Upon DAO approval, Jiraiya will:

  • Accept the curation request, enabling Shutter Network’s pool to be whitelisted on Fjord Foundry.

  • Publish a detailed report, in the form of a thread, spotlighting Shutter Network. The thread aims to reassure potential investors, as well as raise awareness of the LBP through the support of Jiraiya’s network of 120+ KOLs.

  • Lock up the 2% curation fee from LBP sell-side transactions for 3 months or until $SHU reaches $500m FDV, aligning long-term interests with Shutter Network.

  • Offer long-term support to Shutter Network by providing full access to Tailored’s extensive network to foster future growth and facilitate integrations, which includes but isn’t limited to:

    • Protocol founders
    • APAC media agencies
    • Venture capitalists
    • Angel investors
    • Syndicate groups
    • Market makers



Snapshot (no on-chain action)


  • Vote “YES” to select Jiraiya as the curator for the LBP on Fjord Foundry.


  • Vote “NO” to reject Jiraiya as the curator for the LBP on Fjord Foundry.

Just want to make sure the 2% will give the FF platform or give back to our community after the FDV reaches $500m

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Fjord Foundry has the following compensation plan for curators.’

  • The project (e.g. Shutter) does not pay the curator
  • Fjord Foundry pays the curator from their swap fees collected during the LBP

This compensation plan help to ensure that curators are unbiased (and not bought) - and can provide the community with accurate information about a project’s quality and integrity.

See details: Curated LBPs - Fjord Foundry Docs

If I am reading @Jiraiya 's comments correctly, he is stating that …

  • Fjord Foundry would pay him in SHU (not USDC)
  • He would voluntarily commit to holding his SHU tokens for a minimum of 3 months or until $SHU reaches $500m FDV. And he would be able to sell his SHU tokens (or continue holding them) after that.

(It would be good for @Jiraiya to confirm.)


This is correct.

Fjord Foundry charges a flat 2% on buys and sells that takes place over the course of the LBP.

Curators on Fjord Foundry are compensated with 2% on any sell-side transactions that take place during the LBP.

i.e. If contributor X hold 1000 SHU tokens valued at $1, and contributor X sold it back into the pool during the LBP, 2% of those 1000 SHU tokens will be charged as a fee by Fjord Foundry.

Naturally, if this may amount to a small amount, or a large amount. On the off chance that this accumulates to a large amount, the curator could potentially have a negative impact on price action during their launch (should they choose to sell these liquid tokens at TGE).

Hence, why I am offering to lock up all of these tokens for a minimum of 3 months. Alternatively, if $SHU reaches $500m in fully diluted valuation ahead of that 3 month period, these tokens would also be unlocked.

This solutions offers an approach that is fully aligned with Shutter DAO in the long-term.


Yes. Would be a good fit for Shutter for the benefit of both parties. A lock-up of the first of 3-months or 500mUSD FDV to be reached seems reasonable


Ok,thx for the explanation. Make sense to me.


Would you do a proposal for the post LBP marketing?