Shutter DAO 0x36: [On-chain] #14 Grant Proposal to execute technical roadmaps for Gnosis Chain Integration, OP Stack Development, and Espresso Collaboration | Brainbot GmbH

An on-chain proposal vote for Shutter DAO 0x36 has been created at Fractal by a community member 0xCDeefA17b571de21548A948A13a1f442431698d8.

#14 Grant Proposal to execute technical roadmaps for Gnosis Chain Integration, OP Stack Development, and Espresso Collaboration | Brainbot GmbH

Start Date: Mar 23, 2024, 8:10 PM CET [See your local time at Fractal]

End Date: Mar 26, 2024, 9:11 PM CET [See your local time at Fractal]

See details at Fractal:

The on-chain proposal for Shutter DAO 0x36 has closed after passing the voting process.

The proposal met the necessary 3% quorum.

Breakdown of votes:

Yes: 100%

Abstain: 0%

No: 0%

As a result, the proposal has been approved by the Shutter DAO 0x36 voters and option Yes gained the largest support.

You can find further details about the proposal at Fractal.