RFP for a Dev House on Retainer - General Magic


General Magic aims to build a tighter relationship with Shutter DAO 0x36 by providing high-quality and reliable dev & technical support on demand to off-load some work from the devs focusing on Shutter core development. This is an application for the RFP for a Dev House on Retainer.

Goal: Provide additional dev firepower to the Shutter Network team, so they can focus on their core mission.


General Magic would perform tasks in support of Shutter DAO 0x36 and proposals from its members, including:

  • Crafting transactions (ask “executable code”) for Fractal votes
  • Creating infrastructure for Shutter DAO 0x36: sub-DAOs and SAFEs on other chains.
  • Creating for SHU: creating representations of SHU on other chains, ensuring SHU is listed on canonical bridge UIs.
  • Operating lightweight/supporting infrastructure components such as potential telegram bots, analytics dashboards etc.
  • Any other low hanging fruit or adhoc dev needs that Shutter Network may require. This can include:
    • Smart Contract Work
    • Devops
    • Frontend & Backend
    • UI / UX Design


  • Provide fast and effective dev and technical support based on the roadmap and proposals from Shutter DAO 0x36 and its members.
  • Work on issues that Shutter DAO deems valuable, but the core team might not have the bandwidth to tackle.
  • Step in to support Shutter DAO with expertise and specialized technical support on an adhoc basis.

Task Estimation, approval and budget.

  • General Magic can commit to a monthly call on Shutter Discord sharing the work done in the previous month, exploring what could be scoped for the following month.
  • General Magic will create monthly updates on the forum with the number of hours worked, and a funding proposal. After the feedback period, GM will create a funding proposal to a vote on Fractal.
  • General Magic will work with Shutter DAO 0x36 members to create monthly work scopes and post them in the forum for feedback.
  • For any approved tasks or project, General Magic will begin immediately working on a detailed statement of work, with an estimated scope of hours.
  • Once defined, General Magic can schedule a call with any stakeholders, or present our estimated scope in the forum.
  • If the Shutter Network agrees with the scope of work, we will begin work and keep track of the hours worked.
  • General Magic will bill ~ $60/hour for junior devs and $90/hour for senior devs.
  • General Magic can accept monthly funding disbursements in USD stablecoin or USDGLO on Mainnet, Polygon or Optimism.


  • General Magic will create a channel on Discord or group on Telegram for easy communication with project stakeholders, with a commitment to respond within a maximum of 2 working days (usually less) for any existing projects.
  • General Magic will respond to any enquiries on the forum by Shutter DAO 0x36 members within 3 working days.
  • General Magic will respond to any new requests for projects or issues with either a statement of work or decline of the request within 5 working days.

About General Magic.

General Magic is a group of Web3 professionals with deep roots in the Ethereum ecosystem devoted to supporting commons-based organizations, public good projects and web3 organizations. Founded as an offshoot of Giveth in 2020, General Magic is a premier impact-focused agency that supports the design, development, parameterization & communications efforts of public goods projects ranging from Giveth, Commons Stack, the Token Engineering Commons, as well as organizations like ENS, Aragon, and Optimism.

Relevant Experience.

General Magic has successfully implemented similar blockchain projects, demonstrating our capability and expertise in providing support for the operations of other organizations like Canon, Giveth and Aragon.

Brainbot & General Magic. General Magic has been providing grants management support for Brainbot since December 2023. In only 6 months this partnership has secured over 300K USD for multiple projects related to Shutter Network.

Cannon: In a similar structure to this agreement, our team provided dev house support to the Cannon team taking on issues in their backlog, and roadmap so the team could focus on core development.

Giveth: With Giveth, our team work on similar projects to what is mentioned in this RFP, including subDAOS and Safe’s across multiple chains, and ensuring the GIV token is listed across canonical bridge UIs, as well as dashboards for the GIVeconomy.

Praise: For the Praise product, our team built out the bot that integrates with Discord, and created dashboards for each community that integrates Praise.

Team Member Biographies

General Magic has over 30+ employees that we can bring on to support Shutter Network. Here are some of the core team members that will be supporting this project.

  • Krati - CTO at General Magic. With over a decade of tech experience, Krati expertly leads as CTO, blending her vast knowledge in Solidity, Rust, and mobile technologies.
  • Marko - Design lead. Head of Design and Business Developer at General Magic. “Magic Marko” is a top notch designer and has been practicing his art on web2 and web3 projects for over a decade.
  • Ahmad - General Manager at General Magic. Steering the ship and supporting on strategy, and financial intricacies, Ahmad masterfully handles all aspects of the operations.
  • Cotabe - Leading this project and supporting in fundraising, business development and project management.
  • Youssef - Full stack developer at General Magic, with extensive web3 experience.


Some references we can provide (on request) are from Dappnode, Asymmetry Finance, Giveth, Cannon and more!