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Artis proposal to deploy USDC/SHU pool in Swap V3 AMM


Proposal for Artis to close the USDC.e/SHU position and open a new WXDAI/SHU pool/position on Swapr v3 AMM


Close SHU / USDC.e Position and Open a SHU / WXDAI Pool/Position on Swapr v3 on Gnosis Chain - #2 by Loring.

WXDAI/SHU LP position NFT:

Address 0xe765816e64Af6F50A7E629198492B22ad38467DC | GnosisScan.

Test transaction created by Blockful:

Blockful confirms the SAFE on Gnosis Chain is controlled by Shutter DAO 0x36 via Snapshot

Artis will transfer the WXDAI/SHU LP position NFT to the SAFE on Gnosis Chain which is controlled by Shutter DAO 0x36

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