Execute payments to Blockful for Staking and Service Provider

Hey Shutter Community!!

Blockful has finished its first month as Tech Service Provider and has finished development over milestones 1 and 2 for the staking mechanism.

We are combining the different payments in a single proposal to make the approval process less demanding on governance. As it’s all based on pre-approved scopes, this should not be an issue, but we are ready to split them into separate proposals if necessary.

Deploying A SHU/USDC Pool in Swapr v3 on Gnosis Chain

Staking and Delegate Mechanism - Blockful

Feature Time to Develop Milestones SHU Disbursement USDC Disbursement Status
i) Design 1 week
vi) Front-end 3 weeks
ii) Staking contract (L1 and L2) 3 weeks
iv) Testnets deployment and tests 1 week Milestone 1 15000 10000 Done
iii) Delegate contract (L1 and L2) 3 weeks
iv) Testnets deployment and tests 1 week Milestone 2 15000 10000 Done

Total disbursement for Blockful:

Description Amount $ (USDGLO) Amount SHU
Service Providing 3,060.00
Staking/delegate Mechanism 20,000.00 30,000
Total 23,060.00 30,000

Payment details:

wallet: blockful.eth


Network: Ethereum

Updating this proposal to include the Milestone 3, that has now been delivered, presented in a community call and audited.

The proposal remains the same and the previous links for the proposals stay the same and updates for status are in those.

The changes are in values to include milestone 3.

Feature Time to Develop Milestones SHU Disbursement USDC Disbursement
i) Design 1 week
vi) Front-end 3 weeks
ii) Staking contract (L1 and L2) 3 weeks
iv) Testnets deployment and tests 1 week Milestone 1 15000 10000
iii) Delegate contract (L1 and L2) 3 weeks
iv) Testnets deployment and tests 1 week Milestone 2 15000 10000
v) Internal audit 1 week
vi) Front-end Tests 1 week
vii) MVP Delivery 1 week Milestone 3 20000 15000

Total disbursement for Blockful:

Description Amount $ (USDGLO) Amount SHU
Service Providing 3,060.00 00,000
Staking/delegate Mechanism 35,000.00 50,000
Total 38,060.00 50,000

Payment details 1:

  • Value: 38,060
  • Wallet: blockful.eth
  • Token: USDGLO
  • Network: Ethereum

Payment details 2:

  • Value: 50,000
  • Wallet: blockful.eth
  • Token: SHU
  • Network: Ethereum
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