Shutter DAO 0x36 Proposal Deploy a SHU/USDC Pool in Swapr V3 on Gnosis Chain

Proposal Title Author(s) Phase Type Date Created
Proposal to deploy a SHU/USDC pool in Swapr V3 on Gnosis Chain
Nicole Connor I On-chain 13.05.2024


Proposal to deploy a SHU/USDC pool in Swapr V3 on Gnosis Chain


Swapr proposes to deploy a SHU/USDC pool in Swapr V3 AMM to be the primary liquidity source on Gnosis Chain.

Swapr is also a meta marketplace that allows you to swap and bridge any token in 8 different chains. We believe in the privacy and decentralization that blockchain brings, that’s why we focus on privacy and anonymity for DeFi users with no user data being collected and having a decentralized frontend.

Swapr intends to work closely with by serving an option for users to choose MEV resistant routes across mainnet and other L2s.

Shutter on Gnosis chain might at some point require Gnosis chain validators or Shutter Keypers to be able to stake the SHU token and Swapr will be willing to receive some SHU and USDC tokens to create a pool in Gnosis chain for the validators to be able to buy SHU for staking. The pool will create a full range strategy and upon price discovery, we will be engaging with automated liquidity managers to be able to get a deeper liquidity on a concentrated range.


MEV and front-running brings significant challenges to the blockchain space, especially to users and traders. Shutter Network introduces a solution to mitigate this on Ethereum and with the deployment on Chiado network is also bringing it into Gnosis Chain.

Validators, Keypers and staking delegators will require a reliable DEX to acquire SHU tokens and stake them, therefore we believe that Swapr’s V3 AMM known for its concentrated liquidity model and the alignment of values between projects is perfect to fulfill this need.


Swapr V3



Voting Type

Single choice voting

Voting Options





Swapr proposes to collaborate with Shutter DAO 0x36 in deploying Shutter Network on the Chiado testnet for MEV resistance testing. As validators will require SHU tokens to stake on the Gnosis chain, Swapr offers to create a dedicated SHU/USDC pool on its V3 AMM. This pool will provide validators with easy access to SHU tokens while ensuring efficient price discovery and liquidity provisioning.

Next Steps

  • Swapr and Shutter community discuss initial amounts required in forum
  • Shutter DAO 0x36 votes on the proposal to designate Swapr as the primary liquidity source.
  • Upon approval, Shutter provides liquidity for the pool to be created
  • Swapr initiates the creation of the SHU/USDC pool on its V3 AMM.
  • Validators on the Gnosis chain can seamlessly acquire SHU tokens and stake them, contributing to the network’s security and decentralization.

Thank you in advanced to the Shutter community for reading the proposal, we look forward to work with you and grow together!


CC0: This work is marked with CC0 1.0 as dedicated to the public domain.


Will be glad to participate although I wouldn’t mind a V2 pool. And before it has to be decided which bridge should be used (omni?).


Hey Refri! Thank you for sharing. Even that’s a V3 pool we suggest a full range strategy.

The bridge we would use is the official from Gnosis,


hey, can you elaborate on the rationale behind the chain preference and the token pair and, of course, why now, we are just deploying SHU on OP?


Hey Baer!

Of course! The rationale behind is that the Shutter team is already deploying on Chiado testnet to test MEV resistance, therefore in the future if everything is ok they will deploy on Gnosis too. If this succeeds, validators might require SHU tokens to stake on Gnosis and therefore they will need to buy them. This pool with a full range strategy can provide easy access to the tokens while price discovery is ongoing.

We are proposing this now because of the deployment on Chiado testnet and to be prepared, however this isn’t something that will happen right away (we understand that the OP deployment should happen first)

I hope this answers your questions, happy to keep talking about it.



Appreciate the deployment on as many chains as reasonable. I am already active on optimism, although having much more funds on gc. If there will be some necessity to have shu token on every chain that we are on it would be great to have some liquidity there.


Hey, thanks for the reply. I’m sorry I can’t get back to you as soon as possible.

This makes sense; we should focus on deriving liquidity on Gnosis for SHU.


Hey Everyone!

We moved on to create this proposal in Snapshot for a ‘Temp Check’.

Help us reach quorum and to move forward with creating the SHU/USDC pool on Gnosis Chain.

Go to Snapshot and vote! Link below:

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