JayBuidl.eth KEYPER Application

I wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol.

Name/alias: jaybuidl / jaybuidl.eth

Email: jaybuidl AT pm dot me

Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0xe03472CCb8e011b7Dfb3343837D75Bf6C9c3324C

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper?

I am a solo staker running Gnosis validators. As a certified AWS Solutions Architect I have been running various backend services (automation/bots, VMs, DBs etc) professionally for over 10 years as part of my daily job.

Currently acting as the Tech Lead at Kleros with a focus on the implementation of the next major version of the Kleros arbitration protocol.

I believe that privacy solutions such as Shutter are an important primitive to implement shielded voting into governance and arbitration protocols with a minimum UX cost compared to a traditional commit/reveal scheme implementation.

In a previous life, I have been the CTO at a hedge fund, managed on-premises and cloud infrastructure, cybersecurity, and implemented quantitative trading strategies.

With over 15 years in software and systems engineering, I have a long-time passion for web3 and infra automation.


Hello and thank you for your interest in becoming a Keyper!