keyper aplication

I wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol.

** Name/alias:**

** Email:**

Ethereum Address: 0x48A0e1789C82084aE28c179bd5742454f8CD4ed6

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper?

ITRocket is a team of DevOps engineers from Armenia :armenia: We are crypto enthusiasts & node operators in various crypto ecosystems, and our main goal is to help millions of people effectively manage their crypto assets! I am Sem - the founder of ITRocket, and in this moment we have 2 DevOps engineers in the team.

We would love to support Shutter Network by running a Keyper node and assisting others in effective node management. Our approach may include quick deployment guides or monitoring tools. We have many useful services, such as an RPC scanner, a Governance bot, Auto Setup and Auto upgrade guides, etc for Cosmos chain, but we also participate in Obol, Taiko, Chainflip, Forta, Powerloom, Lumoz and other EVM compatible networks.

In the moment we have these services working for Cosmos:

  • RPC scanner # Updated every 4h
  • Governance bot: telegram & discord notifications
  • Public edpoints, RPC, API, gRPC, EVM RPC (archive node)
  • Seed node, Peer, live peers, Statesync
  • Manual and Auto Upgrade & Setup guides
  • Many other useful services, snapshot, etc.
  • IBC relayers, Rollaps
  • Explorer

Please find out more on our website: Explorer:, Governance bot: Telegram: Contact @itrocket_testnet_proposal_bot, Telegram: Contact @itrocket_mainnet_proposal_bot RPC scanner including RAW results: Our github: GitHub - itrocket-team/testnet_guides


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Keyper!

The next vote will be coming soon, within a couple of weeks.