Shoni Keyper Application

I wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol.

Name/alias: Shoni

Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0x2Bb3AA9c0089CDECa4caF98C9A5F527308f2E0CC

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper? I am interested in becoming a Keypers because I believe in the importance of the role they play in securing the Shutter network. I see issues like MEVs and frontrunning having a serious impact on users and traders, and I want to contribute to solving these problems by supporting a project that aims to improve the state of affairs in DeFi and the broader Ethereum cryptoecosystem.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Keyper!

The next vote will be coming soon, within a couple of weeks.

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Thank you, looking forward to it!

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