CryptoManufaktur Keyper application

Name/alias: CryptoManufaktur


Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0x1c0a6fDd52A0c3F18cd6640695884e6248a13533 (note: Not quite sure what this does, haven’t found documentation. For now I’m assuming the node needs a private key so it can pay gas)

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper?

CryptoManufaktur is a professional node operator. We are a Chainlink node operator, as well as an operator on multiple staking protocols: RocketPool oDAO, Stakewise operator, Lido operator.

We’ve been engaged in testnets with other protocols, including SSV, Obol, Stader.

We maintain community tooling, for example eth-docker as well as a slew of additional tooling available on our github.

The Shutter approach of creating a shuttered beaconchain as an opt-in mechanism is innovative. This will allow researchers to better reason about how this would impact Ethereum if it were adopted in-protocol, and gives dApps a way to protect their users, even when the users don’t use mevblocker. Solutions that do not rely on user behavior are preferable.

MEV is the bugbear of Ethereum right now. It’s something devs just “didn’t see coming”, and finding solutions to it both in-protocol and out-of-protocol is very much required for a healthy Ethereum ecosystem.

We’d be honored to help propel the state of the art forward, by running a Keyper node. We’d also be interested in helping others run nodes well. That might be a standalone repo with a docker compose stack, or whatever else might be helpful.

As for our technical chops, it’s what you’d expect: We run IaC (Infrastructure as Code) and like container orchestration, both docker swarm mode and k8s. We’d likely run a keyper node in our docker swarm, and then back-end that to multiple CL:EL nodes in baremetal. If the keyper node doesn’t support multiple CL:EL, we’ll place an active/passive haproxy in between.

All of which is to say, we are cloud architects - or SREs, or devops engineers, or “modern sysadmins”, however you like to describe that role.

CryptoManufaktur is a team of two technical employees and two founders. I’m the technical founder.


Hello and welcome!

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Keyper!

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Good to see you here :handshake:


If it carries any weight, I couldn’t more strongly endorse @yorick and the CryptoManufaktur team. Their competency is exceptional, and they have a proven track record of service to the staking community.

But most may already know that. :wink:


NICE good to see this!

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