Brainbot gmbh Keyper Application

I wish to become a Keyper for the Shutter protocol

Name/alias: brainbot gmbh


Ethereum Address used to run the Keyper node: 0x52e94E093a162F1D3D5481828cfaB3807Ea32b3A

Why are you interested in becoming a Keyper?

Brainbot is a venture builder and service provider (consulting, audits, development) with extensive experience in the ecosystem. Brainbot started working in L2 protocol and infrastructure development in 2014, since that time, brainbot has been running Ethereum infrastructure and has been involved in the incubation of a node operator that was later sold to one of the leading infrastructure players. The organization managed to develop large parts of the first Ethereum Python client for the Ethereum Foundation and has started ventures like Beamer Bridge (L1 → L2 → L2 bridge) and Shutter Network, a solution for preventing front-running and malicious MEV on Ethereum rollups and sidechains.

The DKG (distributed key generation) encryption mechanism developed by Shutter has found another use case in Shielded Voting on the Snapshot platform, which is described in this article: Shutter Brings Shielded Voting to Snapshot.

The same encryption/decryption scheme backs shielded Voting on Snapshot. Brainbot, which incubated Shutter, runs the only Keyper operating the system.

Brainbot started running Shutter keypers at the same time as Snapshot launched Shielded Voting in September 2022. Since then, DAOs like 1inch, AAVE, Bankless DAO and many more have voted on almost 600 proposals using Shielded Voting by DAOs like 1inch, AAVE, Bankless DAO and many more.

Considering the recent launch of the Shutter protoDAO, which aims to select and manage the Keyper set for providing encryption for malicious MEV prevention and Shielded Voting, brainbot as an organization would like to continue supporting Shutter Network by running a Keyper.


Great to see this proposal!