The First Shutterized Testnet Is Now Live on Chiado!

The First Shutterized Testnet Is Now Live on Chiado!

We are excited to announce that the Shutterized Chiado testnet is now live! This is a significant milestone as it represents the first live implementation of the Shutter protocol on a full testnet. This integration is a substantial step forward in enhancing the Gnosis Chain ecosystem through transaction encryption as we progress towards the Shutterized Gnosis Chain.

This represents the complete first stage of Shutterized Gnosis Chain integration, including the necessary client changes by Nethermind and the encrypting RPC proxy.

Utilizing a Shutterized system for encrypted transactions provides several significant advantages for users.

Try It Out Now!

You can now experience the Shutterized Chiado by switching to an RPC endpoint to test encrypted transactions.

Read more in our blog post!

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