As the LBP comes to a close and the Shutter DAO 0x36 begins to embark on its first relationships, several questions have surfaced around how the DAO wants to structure the coordination, oversight, and agreements with various service providers.
While this conversation began in a different forum thread discussing the initial transfers to Artis (thread here), this thread is meant to be a “whiteboard” for the DAO to discuss different options and structures for future organization and relationships.
There seem to be two main topics that have been recurring themes in recent days as the DAO has discussed contractual agreements with Artis. (I’m not endorsing either - just creating a place for us to handle pros/cons of the ideas that have been surfaced in other conversations):
Should the 0x36 DAO have a formal foundation for entering into agreements in “meatspace”?
This is a common practice across some DAOs, with differing amounts of authority or agency granted to these groups depending on the needs of the given DAO. Creating and empowering a Foundation would be complex, but some have suggested this approach as a way to formalize agreements.
Questions on this approach:
- How would this group be chosen?
- By what legal process would it be incorporated, and where?
- What authority (if any) would it have?
- What resources would it have?
Should the 0x36 DAO have “subgroups” that are empaneled for specific purposes or time periods?
This is another common practice in DAOs, with these groups being selected or elected by the DAO to function as a coordination layer. These groups can have specialized skillsets and could be as simple as a group of volunteers that help facilitate tasks or projects. This is organically what has happened with the Artis relationship, with a few volunteers from the 0x36 DAO working through some of the more difficult problems with Artis and reporting back progress to the DAO. These can also be as formal as an elected group that serves for a time period with or without a budget from the DAO.
Questions on this approach:
- What groups should exist?
- How would the group members be chosen?
- What authority (if any) would the groups have?
- Should they be given a budget from the DAO?
The 0x36 DAO could also completely forgo coordination models like this and continue using the same ad hoc response to proposals that we currently employ. This is a perfectly viable option as well, with understandable downsides being additional overhead and bandwidth from the delegate body when reviewing the forum and proposals independently.
I encourage everyone with experience in these matters to offer feedback or thoughts on these ideas as we divine the path forward for the 0x36 DAO. The options above can be expanded with any other suggestions as this conversation unfolds.