[RFP] Develop a Keyper Incentive Mechanism and (delegated) Staking - SDLC Corp

Project Overview

#rfp-proposal Shutter DAO intends to create a comprehensive Keyper Incentive and Staking mechanism. The primary objective of this mechanism is to enhance network security, decentralization, and long-term sustainability by incentivizing Keyper participation and enabling SHU token holder engagement.

Project Goals

  • Staking Incentives for Keypers: Implement a staking mechanism where keypers can lock up their SHU tokens to participate in network activities such as validating transactions, securing the network, and proposing/voting on governance decisions. In return, they receive rewards in the form of additional SHU tokens or transaction fees.
  • Community Delegation: Allow SHU token holders to delegate their tokens to specific keypers whom they trust or believe will contribute positively to the network. This not only enhances the network's security and decentralization but also fosters a sense of community involvement and support.
  • Long-Term Commitment Rewards: Introduce rewards programs for both keypers and token holders who demonstrate long-term commitment to the network by locking up their tokens for extended periods. These rewards could be in the form of bonus tokens, increased staking rewards, or access to exclusive network features.
  • Mitigating Selling Pressure: To counter the potential selling pressure resulting from token unlocks and vesting periods, incentivize token holders to stake their SHU tokens instead of selling them. Staking reduces the circulating supply of tokens, thereby potentially stabilizing or even increasing the token's value over time.

Key Requirements

  1. Keyper and Delegate Staking Front-end

    • Develop a user-friendly web interface facilitating interaction between Keyper and SHU token holders.
    • Implement deposit and withdrawal functionalities for staked SHU amounts.
    • Include a dashboard to provide insights into system economics and staking metrics.
    • Ensure compatibility with IPFS for seamless hosting.

  2. Keyper Staking Contract

    • Design and deploy a smart contract allowing Keyper staking of SHU tokens.
    • Features should encompass:
    • Standardized staking requirements.
    • Establishment of a 6-month lock-in period for staked tokens.
    • Implementation of reward distribution in native tokens (e.g., ETH) and/or SHU based on the duration of staking.
    • Integration with DAO governance for the validation of new Keyper sets.

  3. Delegated Staking Contract:

    • Develop a smart contract enabling SHU token holders to delegate tokens to specific Keyper entities.
    • Incorporate functionalities for principal withdrawal and reward distribution.
    • Promote community engagement by allowing token holders to participate in the selection and support of Keyper entities.

Introduction to SDLC Corp

At SDLC Corp we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation to empower businesses and individuals with cutting-edge solutions that enhance collaboration, communication, learning, creativity, and productivity. Through our relentless pursuit of technological excellence, we strive to shape the future by helping Organizations work faster and efficiently utilizing our products, services, and skills.

At our core, we value transparency and fostering honest client relationships. Innovation drives us to create solutions that empower clients to meet their goals. Our unwavering commitment to quality and robust post-sale support ensures client satisfaction. With a customer-first approach, we view clients as partners, shaping tailored solutions to meet their unique needs.

Project Implementation

Functionality Overview

  1. Intuitive User Interface Design and Experience (UI / UX)

    • Streamlined onboarding process for keypers and delegator stakers, minimizing friction.
    • Intuitive navigation and clear instructions to guide users through staking processes.
    • Responsive design ensuring compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.
    • Consistent design elements and visual cues enhancing user experience

  2. Configurable Incentive Mechanism

    • Customizable parameters for the incentive mechanism to adapt to varying network conditions and requirements and for the Shutter DAO to manage.
    • Flexible configuration options include
      1. Choice of reward tokens (e.g., ETH, SHU) for keypers.
      2. Adjustable locking periods for staked tokens.

  3. Encourage Keyper Participation

    • Mechanism to Incentivize keypers to stake SHU tokens, showcasing their commitment to network integrity.
    • Provide visibility into keyper contributions and rewards earned to encourage ongoing engagement.

  4. Enable Community Support

    • Mechanism to enable SHU token holders to delegate their tokens to support specific keypers.
    • Facilitate the delegation process through a user-friendly interface.
    • Encourage community engagement and collaboration in selecting and backing trusted keypers by providing key metrics to evaluate a keyper based on uptime, period and total delegated and other vital identified metrics for the DAO.

  5. Reward Long-Term Commitment to Counter Selling Pressure

    • Offer rewards to both keypers and SHU token holders based on their long-term commitment to the network.
    • Implement mechanisms to incentivize token lock-up for extended periods, aligning interests with the network's longevity.
    • Mitigate selling pressure during volatile periods by promoting staking and token lock-up.
    • Implement mechanisms for gradual release of rewards to incentivize sustained participation without market disruption.


  1. Wallet Integration
    Integration with cryptocurrency wallets to facilitate token staking, delegation, and interaction with smart contracts.
  2. IPFS Integration:
    Integration with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for storing off-chain data related to the staking mechanism.
  3. DAO Infrastructure Integration:
    Integration with nethermind infrastructure and shutter Network (DAOs) for governance functionalities, including voting integration with snapshot webhook to capture data and analytics for keypers reputation, adjusting parameters of the incentive mechanism, and approving protocol upgrades.
  4. Analytics Integration:
    Integration with DAO analytics APIs for monitoring and analyzing network activity, user engagement, and performance metrics related to staking and delegation.
  5. API Integration:
    Integration with external APIs for accessing additional data sources, such as token prices, network statistics, or user authentication services.

Technical Specifications

  1. NextJs Frontend:
    • Purpose: Provide a user-friendly interface for Keypers and SHU holders to manage staked SHU and understand network economics.
    • Features
      1. Stake as a Keyper.
      2. Delegate as a DAO member
      3. View Keyper list alongside vital Keyper Analytics data
      4. Claim rewards for both Keypers and Delegators
      5. Unstake as delegator stakers and Keypers

  2. Solidity Upgradable Keypers Staking Contract:
    • Purpose: Enable Keypers to stake SHU tokens as a commitment to their role in the network.
    • Features
      1. Customizable staking requirements and lock-in periods.
      2. Rewards funded by Shutter DAO, including ETH and SHU.
      3. Flexible withdrawal options for Keypers, including claiming rewards independently of withdrawing principal.
      4. Integration with DAO governance for validating new Keyper sets.
      5. Upgradeable contract that allows you to change the underlying code/logic of your smart contract, without necessarily altering the entry point (contract address) of your dApp.
    • Functions (Overview)
      1. addKeyper(_accountAddress): Add address to the list of verified keypers.**
      2. removeKeyper(_accountAddress): Remove address from the list.
      3. stake(_tokenCount, _period): Allow Keypers to stake tokens for a specific period which will be constants for a list of slabs which is configurable day, month, quarter, half-yearly, yearly.
      4. rewardPerToken(): Get Info on reward per token stored reward distribution also can be configured to be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.
      5. earnedRewards(_accountAddress): Return total earned rewards

  3. Solidity Upgradable Delegation Contract:
    • Purpose:Enable SHU token holders to delegate tokens to specific Keypers, enhancing network security and decentralization.
    • Features
      1. Rewards funded by Shutter DAO, including ETH, SHU, and other tokens.
      2. Flexible withdrawal options for token holders, independent of withdrawing principal
      3. Support community engagement in selecting and backing Keypers.
      4. Upgradeable contract that allows you to change the underlying code/logic of your smart contract, without necessarily altering the entry point (contract address) of your dApp
    • Functions (Overview)
      1. delegate(tokenCount, _keyperAccount): Allow token holders to delegate tokens to specific Keypers.
      2. earnedRewards(): Calculate and offer rewards to delegated SHU token holders.

Project Lifecycle Processes

For the project, we will be following the Agile Model.

This will be a combination of iterative and incremental process models focusing on process adaptability and client satisfaction by rapidly delivering working projects. We will break the project into small incremental builds. These builds are provided in iterations. Each sprint typically lasts about two weeks.
Every sprint involves cross-functional teams working simultaneously on various areas:

  • Planning
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Design
  • Coding
  • Unit Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

Project Management Processes

A SPOC [Single Point of Contact] will interact with the client and collect the requirements on behalf of SDLC Corp.

He/She will be the single point of contact for any client interaction so as to maintain consistency throughout the requirement gathering and analysis process. Once the requirements are finalized, we will plan for the development activity. We can review the progress of the team every week or bi-weekly. This will give us time to develop the use case properly. Once the development is done, it will be shown to the client for review. After approval, we can start with the subsequent next sprint.

Project Support Processes

This project is on long-term support for SDLC Corp. Once the complete application is developed and deployed, stakeholders and SDLC can mutually decide on the Support Plan.

Technology Framework Recommended

Framework: OpenZeppelin
Frontend: Next.js v14.1 an open-source web development framework for React-based web applications with server-side rendering
Smart Contact Development: Solidity v0.8.25

Communications Plan

For status updates, we can set up predetermined dates on every sprint to share updates on the progress as per DAO’s recommendation. We will be sharing the project's status and showing you the progress that was achieved during each spring update. We will be communicating any complications that would be occurring during the development process. A prior estimation will be given if there is some delay in the schedule.

We would be using Jira for tracking the activities performed within the team. We will sharing Jira project progress report every week so that the DAO will get timely development updates on the project’s progress.

Project Development Sprint Plan

  1. Sprint 1: Getting Started, Project Setup, and Figma Design

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Set up project environment.
      • Create Figma designs for the dashboard.
    • Tasks:
      • Set up a development environment for both frontend and backend.
      • Establish communication channels and project management tools.
      • Create UI/UX Figma designs for the dashboard UI.
    • Deliverables:
      • Established project environment with development tools and version control.
      • Figma designs for the dashboard UI.
  2. Sprint 2: Convertion of Figma Designs with Next.js

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Translate Figma designs into functional UI components.
      • Implement basic frontend functionalities.
    • Tasks:
      • Convert Figma designs into HTML/CSS mockups.
      • Set up the Next.js project structure.
      • Implement basic layout and styling based on Figma designs.
      • Integrate basic frontend functionalities such as navigation and static content.
      • Conduct initial UI/UX testing and gather feedback for refinements.
    • Deliverables:
      • Functional Next.js frontend with basic UI components.
      • The initial version of dashboard interface based on Figma designs.
      • Feedback report from initial UI/UX testing.
  3. Sprint 3: Staking Smart Contract Development

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Develop Solidity smart contract for staking.
      • Implement core staking functionalities.
    • Tasks:
      • Define staking contract structure and functions.
      • Implement staking logic including token locking and rewards distribution.
      • Integrate contract with frontend for stake/unstake actions.
      • Conduct internal testing of staking contract functionalities.
      • Document contract code and functionality for future reference.
    • Deliverables:
      • Developed Solidity smart contract for staking.
      • Integrated frontend with staking contract for stake/unstake actions.
      • Testing documentation for staking contract functionalities.
  4. Sprint 4: Delegating Smart Contract Development

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Develop Solidity smart contract for delegating.
      • Implement core delegating functionalities.
    • Tasks:
      • Define delegating contract structure and functions.
      • Implement delegating logic including rewards distribution.
      • Integrate contract with frontend for delegate/undelegate actions.
      • Conduct internal testing of delegating contract functionalities.
      • Document contract code and functionality for future reference.
    • Deliverables:
      • Developed Solidity smart contract for delegating.
      • Integrated frontend with delegating contract for delegate/undelegate actions.
      • Testing documentation for delegating contract functionalities.
  5. Sprint 5: Internal Smart Contract Audit and Testing

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Conduct internal audit and testing of staking and delegating contracts.
      • Identify and address any issues or vulnerabilities.
    • Tasks:
      • Review staking and delegating contract code for security and functionality.
      • Conduct unit tests and integration tests for contract functionalities.
      • Perform code review and peer testing.
      • Identify and address any bugs or issues found during testing.
      • Prepare documentation for contract audit and testing processes.
    • Deliverables:
      • Completed internal audit and testing reports for staking and delegating contracts.
      • Bug fixes and improvements based on audit findings.
      • Documentation detailing audit and testing processes.
  6. Sprint 6: External Smart Contract Audit

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Engage external auditor to perform a comprehensive audit of staking and delegating contracts.
      • Address any identified issues to ensure contract security and reliability.
    • Tasks:
      • Select and engage external audit firm to conduct smart contract audit.
      • Provide audit firm with contract code and documentation.
      • Review audit findings and prioritize issues for resolution.
      • Address identified vulnerabilities and implement recommended improvements.
      • Coordinate re-audit of updated contract code if necessary.
    • Deliverables:
      • External audit report highlighting any vulnerabilities or issues found in staking and delegating contracts.
      • Implemented fixes and improvements based on external audit recommendations.
      • Documentation of audit process and outcomes.
  7. Sprint 7: DevOps and Infrastructure Setup

    • Duration:2 Weeks
    • Goals:
      • Set up DevOps pipeline and infrastructure for public deployment.
      • Ensure seamless deployment and hosting of front end and contracts.
    • Tasks:
      • Configure CI/CD pipeline for automated testing and deployment.
      • Set up hosting environment for frontend using IPFS
      • Deploy staking and delegating contracts to Ethereum or compatible blockchain networks.
      • Perform integration testing of deployed contracts and frontend.
      • Document deployment process and infrastructure setup for future maintenance.
    • Deliverables:
      • Established DevOps pipeline for automated testing and deployment.
      • Deployed frontend interface and staking/delegating contracts to the production environment
      • Documentation detailing deployment process and infrastructure setup.

Commercials and Payment Terms

Team Configuration

Role Number of Resources
Project Manager SPOC 1
UI/UX Designer 1
Solidity Developers 2
Full Stack Developers 2
DevOps Specialist 1
Tester 1

Project Cost Estimation

Est. Project Cost @50 USD per hour = $50*567 = $28350.00 USDC

Payment Terms

  1. The project is divided into 8 equal parts for payments.
    Milestones Payments
    Project KickOff $3543.75
    Sprint 1 Completion $3543.75
    Sprint 2 Completion $3543.75
    Sprint 3 Completion $3543.75
    Sprint 4 Completion $3543.75
    Sprint 5 Completion $3543.75
    Sprint 6 Completion $3543.75
    Sprint 7 Completion $3543.75
    Total $28350.00
  2. We follow Net7 Payment terms . Payment is due on the 7th day of the invoice

@anujsdlc Thanks for submitting this great proposal! Could you please provide a few more details on the following points?

  • Parameters Controlled by the DAO: How flexible is the design in this area? Is it possible to add parameters if necessary?
  • Upgradeability: If Shutter is going to generate fees and intends to distribute them to stakers, would that be possible with the design you are proposing?
  • Budget: Is it possible to simplify the disbursement plan, as each disbursement needs to be triggered by a vote? Perhaps it could be tied to 2-3 specific deliverables.
  • Disbursment: Did you mean with $ = USDC?
  • Deployment: Have you thought about how this can be deployed and the front-end hosted for the next couple of months? Could you guys host it? Would that increase the budget needed? Or would the DAO need to do another proposal for this?
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@jul1an Happy to be a part of ecosystem and this opportunity, Please find all the responses below, Let me know if you would require more details from our side

  • Parameters Controlled by the DAO: How flexible is the design in this area? Is it possible to add parameters if necessary? - No, adding new parameters would require contract modification. But due to upgradeable contracts can be achieved easily
  • Upgradeability: If Shutter is going to generate fees and intends to distribute them to stakers, would that be possible with the design you are proposing? - Yes, We can incorporate that.
  • Budget: Is it possible to simplify the disbursement plan, as each disbursement needs to be triggered by a vote? Perhaps it could be tied to 2-3 specific deliverables. - Could you please elaborate on the 2-3 specific deliverables you are considering?
  • Disbursment: Did you mean with $ = USDC? - Yes, we acceÄŤt USDC/USDT + additionaly we are willing to take 20% of total ammount in SHU token to support Shutter Ecosystem further
  • Deployment: Have you thought about how this can be deployed and the front-end hosted for the next couple of months? Could you guys host it? Would that increase the budget needed? Or would the DAO need to do another proposal for this? - Yes, We will help in Deployment and also can help with the infrastructure, for the pricing it will depend where we decide to host or if Shutter has a recommendation to it. For the billing it will be transparently charged that to say we won’t charge anything on top of actual hosting service cost.

@anujsdlc Could you provide details of some reference web3 projects that your team have worked on?

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Regarding the disbursement plan question: One option could be to disburse 1/3 of the budget at the beginning of Sprint 1, another 1/3 after the completion of Sprint 4, and the last 1/3 upon completion of work and review by the DAO/external audit.

However, this is just an example. I am wondering what the SDLC will propose.

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Sure @jul1an please find the portfolio below, let me know if you would require the contact details to get in touch with them

Project Title: ARTYFACT - Web3 FPS Game with AI-Powered NPCs


Development Partner: SDLC Corp

Project Overview: ARTYFACT is an innovative first-person shooter (FPS) game that seamlessly integrates the principles of Web3 technology. In a vibrant digital world, players immerse themselves in intense FPS action, enhanced by AI-based non-player characters (NPCs) that adapt and respond to player behavior in real-time. This dynamic interaction creates a more engaging and challenging gaming experience.

Key Features and Achievements:

  1. Advanced Game Development: Built on the robust Unreal Engine, ARTYFACT boasts stunning graphics, realistic physics, and smooth gameplay mechanics. SDLC Corp has been pivotal in the game’s development, ensuring high performance and an immersive user experience.
  2. NFT Marketplace Integration: ARTYFACT features a dedicated NFT marketplace where players can buy, sell, and trade unique in-game assets. This marketplace is a critical component of the game’s economy, providing players with true ownership of digital items.
  3. Smart Contract Development: To facilitate secure and transparent transactions within the game, SDLC Corp developed and implemented smart contracts. These smart contracts ensure that all transactions are immutable and verifiable, aligning with the core principles of blockchain technology.
  4. Staking Mechanisms: ARTYFACT includes a staking feature that allows players to earn rewards by locking up their tokens. This mechanism not only incentivizes player engagement but also helps in maintaining a balanced in-game economy.

Ongoing Development: The partnership between ARTYFACT and SDLC Corp is a continuous, evolving effort. Our teams are constantly working on updates and new features to enhance the gameplay experience and ensure the platform remains at the cutting edge of Web3 and gaming technologies.

Conclusion: At SDLC Corp, we take immense pride in our collaboration with ARTYFACT. Our contribution to the game’s development, from advanced AI integrations to blockchain functionalities, showcases our commitment to innovation and excellence in the gaming industry. ARTYFACT is more than just a game; it’s a pioneering step into the future of decentralized, player-driven virtual worlds.

Project Title: Crowd Invest - Decentralized Matchmaking for Investors and Startups

Client: Crowd Invest

Development Partner: SDLC Corp

Project Overview: Crowd Invest is revolutionizing the investment landscape by providing a decentralized platform that connects investors with early-stage startups. Think of it as a Decentralized IPO, where startups at any stage can register to raise funds, and their innovative ideas are broadcasted to a wide array of interested investors. The platform meticulously handles all aspects of the process, from discovering new companies and individuals to tracking funding histories, managing regulatory procedures, and facilitating investments. This streamlined approach simplifies the journey for both investors and startups.

Key Features and Achievements:

  1. Comprehensive Discovery System: The platform includes an advanced discovery system that identifies promising startups and individuals seeking funding. This system leverages AI and data analytics to match investors with startups that align with their interests and investment goals.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Crowd Invest ensures all transactions and investments comply with relevant regulations. This includes thorough vetting of startups, transparent documentation, and adherence to legal standards, providing a secure and trustworthy environment for all users.
  3. Investment Tracking: Investors can easily track their investments and monitor the progress of the startups they support. The platform provides detailed reports and analytics, offering insights into funding histories and future potential.
  4. Seamless Investment Process: The platform simplifies the investment process, making it accessible and straightforward for both seasoned investors and newcomers. Features like automated contract generation and secure payment gateways ensure a smooth transaction experience.

Our Contribution:

As a full-stack development agency, SDLC Corp has been integral to the success of Crowd Invest, providing comprehensive solutions across various technological domains:

  1. Frontend Development: We designed and developed a user-friendly and intuitive interface, ensuring a seamless user experience for both investors and startups. Our team implemented responsive design principles to make the platform accessible across devices.
  2. Backend Development: Our backend development efforts focused on creating a robust and scalable architecture. We integrated complex data processing and storage solutions to handle the dynamic needs of the platform, ensuring reliability and efficiency.
  3. Blockchain Implementation: Leveraging blockchain technology, we enhanced the platform’s transparency and security. Our blockchain solutions include smart contract development for secure transactions and immutable records, reinforcing trust among users.

Conclusion: At SDLC Corp, we are proud to be at the forefront of financial technology innovation through our partnership with Crowd Invest. Our contributions to the platform’s development reflect our dedication to creating seamless, efficient, and secure investment environments. Crowd Invest is more than just a platform; it is a game-changer in the world of decentralized finance, empowering startups and investors to achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

Yes, We club the payments as you suggest. That shouldn’t be a problem for us.