Proposal: Issue an RFP for Treasury Diversification

Proposal: Issue an RFP for Treasury Diversification

Status: Proposed

Author: franklivid

Created: 22 January 2024


Issue a request for proposals (RFP) related to Shutter DAO 0x36 Treasury Diversification


DAOs should ensure their treasuries include not only native tokens, but also ETH, stablecoins, and other crypto assets. Treasury diversification allows DAOs to budget for continued growth and form strategic alliances with other parties and protocols.

The Shutter DAO 0x36 treasury currently holds only native tokens:

  • SHU: 594,257,142.8571429526
  • ETH: 0
  • Stablecoins: 0
  • Other Assets: 0

Shutter DAO 0x36 should be open to treasury diversification proposals, especially submitted at fair conversion rates, against high value assets and with adequate lock ups for SHU set in place.


Shutter DAO 0x36 will issue a request for proposals related to treasury diversification.

Shutter DAO 0x36 will promptly review and discuss (and possibly vote on) proposals from Shutter DAO 0x36 members, accredited angel investors, strategically aligned businesses, and other DAOs.

Reasons for Treasury Diversification:

  1. De-Risk The Treasury

DAOs which hold stablecoins can operate from a position of strength in the event of a market drawdown.

  1. Manage A Predictable Budget

DAO working groups and grant committees need to budget their expenses for the next 1-3 years. It is easier to budget with stablecoins than with native tokens.

  1. Pay Contributors

DAO contributors, service providers and grant recipients should have the option to be compensated partly in stablecoins along with vested native tokens. This is important to contributors who have fiat expenses.

  1. DeFi

DAOs can utilize stablecoins to create and fund liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges and earn transaction fees.

DAOs can deposit stablecoins into safe DeFi protocols to earn yield.

DAOs can borrow on more favorable terms using their native tokens as collateral if their treasuries include stablecoins.

  1. Strategic Alliances

DAOs can form strategic alliances with other parties and protocols using token purchases and swaps.

How To Implement Treasury Diversification:

  1. Earn Revenue in ETH or Stablecoins

DAOs can earn revenue by providing a service, accepting donations, or depositing funds into DeFi protocols.

  1. Sell Native Tokens for ETH or Stablecoins

DAOs sell native tokens in a number of ways, including:

a. Over the counter sales

b. DAO-to-DAO treasury swaps

c. Auctions

d. Liquidity pools

e. Bonding curves

  1. Borrow Against Native Tokens

DAOs can borrow against native tokens with over the counter loans or by depositing their native tokens into DeFi protocols and then borrowing stablecoins against them.

Submission Criteria (suggested)

Motivation Statement

Method / Instrument

Assets Type

  • ETH

  • USD-pegged stablecoins with a Bluechip rating of B+ or higher

  • Other ERC-20 Tokens with large market cap and daily trading volume

Assets Value

  • Minimum: USD $50,000

  • Maximum: USD $500,000

Assets Price (if relevant)

  • SHU: To be proposed in the submission

  • Asset received by Shutter DAO 0x36: To be proposed in the submission

Assets Lock-ups (if relevant)

  • SHU received by counterparty: To be proposed in the submission

  • Asset received by Shutter DAO 0x36: To be proposed in the submission

Submission Deadlines

  • Submission Received: 4 February 2024 - 23:59 UTC

  • Vote Created: 7 February 2024 - 23:59 UTC

  • Vote Approved: 10 February 2024 - 23:59 UTC



  • Vote “YES” to issue a request for proposals (RFP) related to Shutter DAO 0x38 Treasury Diversification


  • Vote “NO” to not issue

Great point, and an important point! Overall the approach is sensible.

  • Re: How to implement the treasury diversification: I. The goal here is not “diversification”, it’s not an investment portfolio, the goal is sustainability and predictability of the DAO, based on a budget, so only stable coins should be considered in general. The timing of the conversion should be dictated by an educated party and timed properly based on deep research and analysis of the market cycles. A timely sale can double the amount of USD in stablecoins that will enter the treasury. II. Having said that, depending on the treasury, a part might be available for purchasing required coins that have a specific utility for the DAO, disinflationary, or to pay for gas etc… Again, based on the calculation of a budget and a timely allocation to these.

The above is a comment, but more than happy to build a working group and assign a community member to start drawing the plan for treasury management.


Totally agree with your commnet. Basiclly there are two situations that we need to considerate. 1. swap token with other community/project, for this situalion I think we should strickly pick the token whcih could benefit shutter ecosys or the ecosys that shutter are used or bullished(best example is $OP and $GNO, if they are willing to exchange) 2. For stablecoin requirment, I think we can discuss it case by case. It reasonable to to swap stablecoin whenever the dao need to. And CFO indeed is necessary.


Shutter DAO 0x36 Treasury recently received a donation of 1.2 ETH.

Wow! It’s amazing to see such generous support!

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We agree that Treasury Diversification should be considered. In our opinion the timing of selling some SHU will be critical. This has to be planned thoroughly with clear assumptions backing the decision.

Thank you for your comment @Ricosworksa we also believe that the primary goal of a treasury DAO shouldn’t be to speculate on markets. However, we think it is important to not be only exposed to USD, especially with the crypto cycles. We do believe that an allocation of ETH makes sense as it is an asset without any smart contract risks.

Most DAOs or Crypto entities are doing active Treasury management in order to get some yield on battle tested DeFI protocols. We do believe this could make sense if the strategies aren’t risky. Moreover once SHU is live the Treasury can act as a Market Maker for SHU by providing liquidity in battle tested protocols like Uniswap v2. So we will support this RFP as we do believe there will be a need for an active Treasury Management post LBP and an entity that has this expertise would be needed.

Kleros Labs

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Note: I wrote this on March 9th , but just posting now: Actually, DSR is at 15%, as expected in the post, and some numbers regarding POL might have changed but core ideas remain the same

Hello Shutter DAO Community, last week I have been chatting with @Loring @luis regarding Treasury Manager needs for the 0x36 DAO and seems a good idea to continue the conversation on the forum.

I will share some personal thoughts regarding different topics/questions that need to be addressed IMO when it comes to Treasury Management while also commenting about some initial steps 0x36 could start thinking about.

Some background on my side: I’m an Argentine accountant with a deep passion for DeFi:

I have been managing Kleros Treasury since mid-2022, with the main goal of preserving our capital while seeking the best risk-adjusted yields available and complementing this to manage administrative operations and transparency effectively.

To portray an example, we recently released our treasury reports and I have dived deep into some examples of risk-adjusted yields & client diversification.

Current State 0x36

Firstly, since this RFP was published, some things have changed:

When it comes to Treasury Management, each protocol has different resources and needs and this changes in every point in time, more in volatile industries such as ours.

Some questions I will try to answer with some rough information I was able to gather

  • What’s our non-native token treasury?
  • What’s our burn rate?
  • How will contributors be compensated?
  • How much Protocol Owned Liquidity we need in DeFi
  • What kind of integrations do we want in DeFi
  • Synergies between tokenomics and treasury management
  • Operations & Admin

Start with an overall idea of how the actual health of the treasury seems a good starting point.

  • Non-native treasury is roughly 8M USDC.
  • As far as I know, the actual monthly burn-rate is close to 250k.
  • So, the actual Runway (atm of writing on March 9, 2024) is 2.6 years or 32 months.

Yes, I know…many things could happen until then and also we need to have some liquidity across DeFi.

An extra detail here is that we require long-term aligned team members & contributors since this should enable Shutter DAO 0x36 to pay a part of the payroll in native (SHU) tokens.

An example of how runway changes with USDC vs USD + SHU. You can see the estimated amount of SHU needed.

I think this option is feasible since personal expenses for contractors should be covered with fiat payment (USDC) and the selling pressure should be that high on SHU.

Added value from contractors to Shutter Network will be > than SHU-denominated expenses (SHU Tokens) while they are also encouraged to continue adding value to Shutter products given they have skin in the game.

Every Treasury should be managent different because every protocol has different needs and funds. One of the decisions most we need to take is whether to just hold stablecoins or take a directional bet such as Ether.

Besides I am a big fan of Ether & Ethereum itself, after talking with some core contributors and Shutter and being aware of the actual Runway the company has, actual volatile of the market may not create the best scenario for taking a directional play such as Ether with our actual non native treasury.

This could be discussed later, but let’s assume we just hold stables. The question later is:

  • How much do we use for liquidity on $SHU?
  • Do we invest the rest?

Assuming we keep the same amount of USDC providing liquidity than know (around 890k), we have roughly 7.1m USDC, and with stablecoins yields being around 5% (we will discuss later risk-adjusted yields and decision process for selecting a stablecoin) we could have a scenario like the following:

At this exact moment,DSR seems to be changing to 15% so let’s see what happens.

Around 31 months of runway (while still having the 1m USDC on Uniswap)

Index Month Year Treasury only USDC Yield Generated Expenses
1 April 2024 $7,000,000 $29,167 $250,000
2 May 2024 $6,779,167 $28,247 $250,000
3 June 2024 $6,557,413 $27,323 $250,000
4 July 2024 $6,334,736 $26,395 $250,000
5 August 2024 $6,111,130 $25,463 $250,000
6 September 2024 $5,886,594 $24,527 $250,000
7 October 2024 $5,661,121 $23,588 $250,000
8 November 2024 $5,434,709 $22,645 $250,000
9 December 2024 $5,207,354 $21,697 $250,000
10 January 2025 $4,979,051 $20,746 $250,000
11 February 2025 $4,749,797 $19,791 $250,000
12 March 2025 $4,519,588 $18,832 $250,000
13 April 2025 $4,288,419 $17,868 $250,000
14 May 2025 $4,056,288 $16,901 $250,000
15 June 2025 $3,823,189 $15,930 $250,000
16 July 2025 $3,589,119 $14,955 $250,000
17 August 2025 $3,354,074 $13,975 $250,000
18 September 2025 $3,118,049 $12,992 $250,000
19 October 2025 $2,881,041 $12,004 $250,000
20 November 2025 $2,643,045 $11,013 $250,000
21 December 2025 $2,404,058 $10,017 $250,000
22 January 2026 $2,164,075 $9,017 $250,000
23 February 2026 $1,923,092 $8,013 $250,000
24 March 2026 $1,681,105 $7,005 $250,000
25 April 2026 $1,438,109 $5,992 $250,000
26 May 2026 $1,194,101 $4,975 $250,000
27 June 2026 $949,077 $3,954 $250,000
28 July 2026 $703,031 $2,929 $250,000
29 August 2026 $455,961 $1,900 $250,000
30 September 2026 $207,860 $866 $250,000
31 October 2026 -$41,274 -$172 $250,000
32 November 2026 -$291,446 -$1,214 $250,000

But Shutter is here to stay, so what we will do after these 31 months?

  • The business model should attract revenue (I don’t think it’s likely will be enough to cover expenses, even though)
  • Increase SHU-based compensation (if we expect Ether price given market sentiment and we see $SHU as an asset correalted with Ethereum ecosystem with higher upside and risk, we can expect an alpha >1 compared to Ether)
  • We could raise more funds using the Shutter Treasury

So, we have 7m in stables and we need to get the best risk adjusted yield.

At Kleros, es estimate risk adjusted yield with a subjective framework in which we try yo estimate total risk of the investment (say asset A,B on Protocol X on Chain C) and compare with the actual yield of the investment in question. So, for example a risk adjusted yield of a stablecoin could be negative.

Having said that , and without entering into details we could go with 2 of the best risk adjusted options at the moment:

  • sDai from Maker on Ethereum or Gnosis

DSR from Maker distributes yield from Maker Dao’s Treasury, and could be consider similar to risk free rate for stables in DeFi or at least, the risk-free vs holding DAI.

Source: Bluechip

For optimizing risk-adjusted yield while having some level of diversification and not taking directional bets, we could illsutrate and example distributing our stables between 2 options:

  • 50% to 60% or 3.5m of sDai in Gnosis Contractors could be paid monthly with a batch payment using sDai on Gnosis for example.
  • 40% to 50% of USDM on Mainnet (ideally going through KYB)
  • Something more complex but with good returns could be depositing sDai in Gnosis as collateral either on Spark or AAVE ( nowadays Savings DAI could provide a 18 % APY while borrowing cost is 5% aprox) and borrowing xDai to pay monthly expenses to contractors. (we could replicate it on Mainnet or distribute risk between both, but the idea here is to illustrate the cheap borrowing vs yield bearing collateral)

This could be changed if 15% DSR rates get approved by Maker DAO.

Month Year sDai Gnosis DSR --xDai Income 1 year Expenses 1 year Net APY
April 2024 $7,000,000 $1,260,000 $150,000 15.86%

Shutter DeFi Landscape

Let’s analyze:

  • $SHU liquidity: LPing strategies & Implications
  • Treasury Swaps
  • Lending Markets:


Actually, a 10k trade to buy $SHU causes a 1.5% price impact.

And a 100k trade causes a price impact > 10%

When engaging with well-regarded and promising protocols like EigenLayer and Espresso, it’s beneficial to provide substantial liquidity.

On the other side, having all liquidity in Uniswap V2 has greater impact on the market; trades have a more significant impact on price, which can amplify FOMO and price increases during a bull market.

Conversely, in a bear market, the impact is negative.

Maintaining a layer of liquidity on Uniswap V2, offering full-range liquidity, while also allocating a layer to Uniswap V3, where liquidity can be concentrated, could enable Shutter to:

  • Give deeper liquidity to big investors which might not enter a position with such a big price impact and slipage as there is now
  • Replicate limit orders while benefiting future investors
  • For example, if we deploy a Uni V3 pool on SHU/USDC in the ranges 0.1$ to 2$, we will be able to provide way deeper liquidity for traders, while we might gain native tokens; As SHU price gets closer to 2$, SHU is “sold” for USDC and above 2$ all liquidity would be USDC. We will still have the V2 positions but also more USDC and we could replicate this same scenario constantly with wider ranges.

Note that 0.1$ is 50% below LBP price and here we assume that $SHU price increase given that it will have a high correlation with Ether.

Anyways is good to have in mind the different scenarios if the position gets out of range:

A) $SHU price increase (above our range) - → We further decentralize the $SHU distribution while increasing non native holdings and providing deeper liquidity to investors.

B) $SHU prices decreases (below our range) → We “lose” USDC and grab more $SHU (replicating buybacks) and would need to stay with V2 liquidity and come back to the discussion of raising more non native assets or provide more compnsation in $SHU and less in USDC.

Treasury Swaps

We could explore strategic partnerships through token swaps with other protocols to diversify and secure our native treasury, enhance our relationships with these entities, and tap into revenue streams from their varied business models.

Lending Markets

At this stage, I don’t believe too much effort should be directed towards lending markets.

A fast, permissionless, and trustless method that allows individuals to deposit $SHU and earn additional yield could be established by creating a SHU/USDC pool on AJNA to test for product-market fit.

Using SHU as collateral in a lending market would allow long-term bulls to leverage their exposure, and the opposite would be true if SHU is used as the debt token.

This aspect, along with the opportunity costs associated with liquidity provision, voting on governance, and other factors, should be taken into account for a lending market.

I generally believe that market forces tend to regulate themselves, and it would be beneficial to have at least a SHU pool in AJNA.

Tokenomics & Business Model

I recommend reading this post to understand the possibilities for Shutter to grab revenue and transform into a profitable business. If not let me give portray a summary of the blogpost:

Ultimately, the direction chosen by Shutter DAO 0x36 and market reception (indicating product-market fit) will be pivotal in determining the pace at which Shutter can generate revenue and distribute it within its ecosystem.

Here are some personal insights:

  • Implementing a fee since inception might introduce resistance, potentially hindering the initial revenue that could be generated. Therefore, it might be prudent to begin operations without imposing fees (aka fee switched turned off)
  • The valuation of crypto assets tends to be more speculative, often reflecting the broader industry’s potential rather than grounded on immediate financial projections like discounted cash flows or short-term fundamentals (check Celestias earnings vs FDV of TIA …clearly there is a lot of value on estimated future revenues & integrations). Considering Shutter is venturing into sectors with significant growth potential (such as Layer 2 solutions, EigenLayer, Data Availability, and MEV), it’s possible that the tokens associated with these sectors might experience value appreciation, reflecting their market potential.

Approach 1: Market Size Estimation Based on MEV Risks

  • Shutter’s market size and revenue potential are determined by the financial risks of MEV in crypto transactions.
  • Users would be willing to pay a fee for Shutter’s service to mitigate potential losses due to MEV.
  • The fee market for MEV protection is expected to grow with the increase in MEV opportunities, paralleling the expansion of the crypto market.

Approach 2: Revenue Estimation Through Transaction Fees

  • Revenue is estimated by calculating the volume of transactions protected by Shutter and applying a set fee per transaction.
  • The integration of Shutter’s services with Layer 2 platforms is vital, as these platforms are expected to host a growing number of DeFi transactions (+ Dencun soon)
  • Revenue potential is linked to the adoption of L2 solutions, which provide scalability and reduced costs, broadening Shutter’s applicable market.

Additional Features from Tokenomics:

  • Incentives for users and keypers using Shutter’s native token to encourage participation and network security.
  • Governance lock-up mechanisms to foster long-term commitment and stable governance.
  • Keypers staking and delegated staking to ensure service reliability and network security.
  • Staking tokens to reduce service fees, making Shutter more attractive and competitive.
  • Discounts on service fees when paying with Shutter’s native token to increase its utility and demand.

There are a lot of potential revenue streams and possibilities for both redirecting value to $SHU holders and treasury itself, but timing and partnerships have the same importance IMO than the decision to be take.


Contributors could be external service providers or core team members.

How they could be paid is expressed before and should be considered for treasury management.

Ideally, there should be a mix between both (USDC & SHU) but for those contributors that are willing to receive $SHU tokens only, the possibility should be opened since enables bootstrapping the growth of the project in a healthy way (given the amount of native vs non-native token 0x36 holds)

  • Long term alignment, maximizing non native treasury by compensating contributors with SHU vested tokens if possible for those who have another income source.
  • 1 year agreements on the DAO needed to be reviewed year by year

During my discussions with the Shutter team, I understood that the initial vision for the DAO wasn’t to hire a full-time Treasury Manager, but rather to bring on board someone who could facilitate Shutter’s initial growth while efficiently managing its resources.

I believe it would be wise for the DAO to engage an advisor with the requisite experience and knowledge to navigate the complexities discussed earlier. Such an individual should be capable of recommending risk-optimized strategies to the DAO and devising a robust plan for managing SHU liquidity across various DeFi platforms (ensure that there is enough liquidity for $SHU traders and also manage treasury funds without needing to be active constantly but yes to have a long term plan that aligns with Shutter Roadmap)

I also believe that this contributor should receive compensation that aligns with the DAO’s values: remuneration in $SHU, which is currently less scarce, ideally with a vesting schedule. This approach ensures that the DAO’s funds are preserved for the core team focused on developing Shutter’s main offerings.

Operational/Admin structure

There is no need to address this topic in the forum but the interesction between Treasury Management and efficient administrative operations exist and is important. This needs to be taken into account to keep a transparent while efficient structure and keeping contributors happy and allowing them to focus on what matters the most: Encryption and shutter development.

Imo, A good admin work is the one that is not even noticed and where employees/contractors don’t even talk about it


Hey @Juan- This is a ton of great information. Thank you for posting it.

I’d like to ask a couple of questions to dig deeper into some of this. I’ll start with a couple items, but I might have more follow up questions as these thoughts process.

  1. It seems a lot of the calculations are built on this value for the burn rate, but I’m not sure where this comes from. Can you show your work on this burn rate calculation?

  1. Regarding this recommendation to compensate contributors with a SHU/stable mix: In my experience, some RFPs are better suited to be handled in stables and some in native tokens. Do you believe this is a treasury management decision, or a case by case detail of the individual RFPs?

  1. How long do you expect the DSR rate to be 15%? Your calculations here seem to expect it will stay at that rate for years.

  1. Liquidity for the token seems a simple, low maintenance action. Do you feel that this is an aspect that needs to be actively managed, or a one time decision?

  1. For this part, could you help me understand your vision a little better?
  • What would the specific responsibilities of this role be?

  • How would the DAO measure this performance of this role?

  • What would you recommend that the specific compensation should be for this role?

  • Would you envision this person to have any authority or ability to execute defi transactions on behalf of the DAO, and if not, how would we address the need to react quickly to certain events on these defi strategies, if the DAO’s executable process has a minimum response tine of ~3 days?

Thanks Juan. Again, great work on this information.


Hey Spencer, thanks for the questions!

The 250k Burn rate is a very rough estimation that we came up with both Luis and Loring on our call, given their overall estimates & a correlation with Kleros burn rate that is pretty similar and should consume similar amount of resources.

You can check Kleros burn rate here, but please note that all the estimations and numbers derived from the 250k burn rate were made to illustrate a way to think on how to approach treasury management, but could be adapted to the actual burn rate Shutter has (I don’t have info of this right now)

I don’t know actual expectations of contributors overall, but my opinion is that creating one RFPs for every case will be a hassle in the long run, and we might suffer from voter apathy. My take is that the DAO could create 3 options in which contributors could be compensated:

  • 100% USDC
  • Mix (let’s say 60% USDC - 40% SHU)
  • 100% SHU

This would enable creating a simple but effective and flexible framework, and allowing the discussion to be focused on the work to be done by the contributor and not on how it would get paid.

I expect not to last more than 6 months.

Should be pretty straightforward as long as the SHU price remains stable, but even if it doesnt, I have illustrated different ways in which the Liquidity Provision could be shaped on the different scenarios.


  • Research and portray different options for managing both Non Native and Native assets strategies: pros & cons.
  • Some B2B talks regarding potential token swaps with aligned protocols and how could play out.
  • Manage conversations with VCs interested on purchasing SHU OTC when liquidity is not sufficient and is an actual limitation when thinking about investing in Shutter.
  • Talks with CEXs and MMs
  • Execution of POL strategies/actions.
  • Communication & optimization of risk management with admin operations.
  • How would the DAO measure this performance of this role?

Haven’t been thinking much about it tbh and is a great question!

I think we could create a contract specifying duties or objectives, in which the SHU are sent to an escrow, safeguarded by Kleros.

And at the end of the period (let’s say that there you can claim every 31th December), the Treasury Manager could claim the tokens leaving a deposit and there is 7 window period in which any person could challenge the request if they think the Treasury Manager didn’t fulfill his duties/objectives (present in the contract which has been already uploaded on chain at first moment). If he does, it will create a dispute in Kleros, and they would decide who is right.

Ps: take the Kleros part with an inch of salt since I might be biased but just as a proof of concept in case you want this contract relationship to be trustless based on objectives or duties.

Hard to answer: The role in the market is very well paid because it’s not only actual time spent what you are compensating but also experience, knowledge, and capabilities the Treasury Manager might have.

I will say any number between 125k SHU 250k SHU tokens per year could be considered appropriate, depending on the tasks that will be performed and experience/knowledge of the person/entity in question.

Something like Roles Modifier, in which you delegate certain whitelisted actions could be implemented. If not, this member could be a signer of the multisig and initiate certain txs (if something is clearly not reasonable with the DAO goals, other signers and community could stop him).


Hi @Juan ,good thread. Really appreciate your thought and work. Couple of feedback from my side.

  1. I totally agree that treasury managment is super important as I saw lots of good project false because of poor TM. I think at this moment risk-managment will be the top priority, so I agrre with stablecoin yeild plan. In the meanthime, I think token swap with ecosys partner also will be a great idea, especially our partner are gnosis chain,eigen layer, op etc. This may help our treasury grow much biger.
  2. I agree the valuation is more about story, narratives bigger than everything at bull market. As far as we can include MEV, Restaking(eigenlayer), modularity and layer2 we should make the story bigger(token swap with them also help)
  3. I actually positive for adding more luquidity to the pool, I been actively talk with couple of liquid fund, their single check size start from 300k -500k for altcoin,lack of liquidity will be limit to make them buy.
  4. Finally, it is a good idea to have a treasury manager, I think the responsibility for this role is make treasury grow bigger than the beta( which is stablecoin generate yield), and keep the moeny safe. He be the one to do the research and give the detailed plan for community to vote and his pay should related to his performence. I prefer to pay less cash and more token(with lock up period) which maximam the interest alignment.

Thanks @Juan - all awesome info, thank you.

I would like to suggest or maybe ask - on the responsibilities of the role, would you feel like some concrete deliverables might be a good addition?

I’m thinking maybe monthly or bi-weekly reports in the forum with a templated format like:

  • Treasury status
  • Recent research
  • Upcoming suggested Fractal proposals or temp checks
  • etc

It would provide a regular cadence and would allow the DAO to have visible activity or recommendations in an easy to digest form.

Last thought - I know it was my question that prompted the response, but maybe the signatory ability with the roles modifier could be punted out at least a few months, right? Maybe there’s no need to rush into that part, while lots of value could be gained from just the insights and consultation activity in the meantime.

Thanks again for the discussion. :pray:


Totally agree and makes sense!

I will give an opinion of why I think is reasonable to deliver in terms of reporting, but note that this will change on each applicant (might find not find worthy enough to spend time on very detailed reports while others might be the total opposite, etc…good thing is that is up to the DAO to decide I guess)

Example of Deliverables:

  • Monthly report with Treasury status like these ones (examples of my reports at Kleros).
  • Research reports on DeFi protocols requested by the community where a synergy with Shutter could exist (whether it is on the MEV/Commit side or for the treasury itself). Here there should be a min and max (for example from 2 to 4 reports per month)
  • Evaluate proposals somehow related to Shutter 0x36 DAO from the financial point of view.
  • Give support and provide answers via Telegram and Forum (could go from explaining reasoning behind certain decisions, to answer questions regarding current Treasury status, etc.)

Btw, ty for the questions!


Hey Guys! Boba here from ApeBond. I’ve been loving the discourse here and discussing Treasury Diversification a bit with members of the DAO we decided to do this thread on ApeBond and what we would be able to offer with our Bond .

Happy to be here and looking forward to any and all feedback.

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Agreed, the regular treasury status update is very important for keeping the DAO accountable to the LBP buyers.

Where is the detailed breakdown of DAO funds? I’m interested in seeing where the money raised from LBP buyers has been allocated. How much remains, and who is managing these funds? Investors are seeking accountability and a report on the effectiveness of the funds used.

Could you direct me to the appropriate forum post that includes the funds’ breakdown, report, or treasury status?

Furthermore, considering that funds raised from LBP buyers were used to hire Artis, I would appreciate an update on their activities. Specifically, what have they accomplished with the funding received, and how has this benefitted the investors?


You can see all Shutter DAO 0x36 treasury assets and transactions here:

It includes:

  • SHU
  • USDC (from OTC sales and the LBP)
  • ETH (from donations)
  • LP tokens (from providing liquidity to the Uniswap v2 pool)

All treasury assets are managed by Shutter DAO 0x36 via on-chain votes on Fractal.

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