DAO Dungeon Announcement

DAO Dungeon Announcement

I. Introduction

DAO Dungeon is a round-based multiplayer governance mini-game explicitly built for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

This unique game brings strategy and collaboration to life on Twitter, all powered by an advanced AI language model, ChatGPT-4. Each round unfolds in a Twitter thread, where DAOs interact, strategize, and apply their blockchain and cryptographic knowledge in a stimulating environment.

The game master crafts the world scenario and challenges using ChatGPT-4, narrating the game’s progress. The DAOs’ moves are reflected in the storyline, introducing a dynamic element to each game round. With the game’s setting determined through community voting and fair play ensured by the game master, DAO Dungeon seamlessly blends gaming, blockchain, and DAOs, creating an immersive, interactive, and strategic gaming experience for the community.

II. Objectives

The primary objective of DAO Dungeon is to provide an immersive, engaging, and intellectually stimulating gameplay experience.

The game aims to:

  • Foster team spirit and cooperation among DAOs as well as DAO members.

  • Enhance problem-solving and strategic decision-making skills.

  • Encourage the application of blockchain and cryptographic knowledge in a fun, interactive context.

  • Test and experiment with the governance process

  • Incentivize coming up with interesting new governance mechanisms

III. Game Mechanics

DAO Dungeon is a round-based asynchronous multiplayer game where players interact and make decisions through a Twitter thread initiated by the game master. The game master utilizes an LLM to generate the world scenario, challenges, and progress narrative. The game requires at least 1-2 players to work well. Ideally, there would be even 5+ characters/DAOs participating.#

The essence of the game is a classic text-based/DnD style adventure game, where there are players who come up with game moves and a game master who steers and moderates the game.

Fundamentally, each participating DAO represents one player in the game, so each DAO essentially controls one player, and they, as a DAO, have to vote on coming up with individual moves/prompts for the game.

The gameplay procedure is as follows:

  1. The DAOs create the characters they will use in the game following the template provided by the game master.

  2. The game master starts the game by inputting the setting and game logic into ChatGPT-4 and launches a new Twitter thread with the output.

  3. DAOs participating will coordinate, i.e., vote on a game move for their individual character and post them under the Twitter thread.

  4. The game master inputs the various game moves into the ChatGPT-4 thread.

  5. The game master pastes the ChatGPT-4 output response under the Twitter thread, indicating the progress or outcome of the game moves of the players.

  6. The game continues, returning to step 2.

The game setting will be determined by community voting among three proposals presented by the game developers. The daily game move frequency allows the DAOs to collaborate and strategize.

IV. Rules and Moderation

DAO Dungeon is designed to promote fair and engaging gameplay. While no explicit rules exist, the game master is a moderator and retains the right to ignore or delete game moves that detract from the gaming experience. This flexible moderation policy ensures that the game remains entertaining, balanced, and aligned with the spirit of DAO Dungeon.

The participating DAOs should think about how to efficiently and within the given round times (1 day) and make decisions based on their character’s actions.

Some possible options on how the DAOs could proceed:

  • No changes. They use their current DAO proposal and voting mechanisms to participate in the game.

  • They create a new separate space in Snapshot with the same Strategies (aka token holders or such for voting power) but set their Settings to reflect the pace and parameters of the game. I.e., set quorum lower, voting time to hours, etc. And, of course, they should enable shielded voting under Privacy :wink:

  • They delegate the power to take action to a single person or a smaller subset of DAO members.

  • The DAO makes chances in a new environment that utilizes a “go by default” type of governance, including a way to veto decisions—basically, giving some smaller subset of members essentially full control over a Safe. Still, all actions require a short delay and trigger push notification for all members, during which any member of the DAO can initiate a veto proposal that extends the delay.


  • Note that the game master likely wouldn’t allow a simplified version of this where there’s no proper veto process.

V. Possible settings

The Shutter protoDAO will vote on which of the three settings will be chosen for the first DAODungeon game during July.

1. Classic Fantasy Setting: Kingdom of Talewind

The adventure takes place in the enigmatic Kingdom of Talewind, a realm where enchantment is born from the mystical forces of ancient scripts and cryptic symbols. The kingdom, adorned with grand castles, bewitched forests, and perilous dungeons, once thrived in harmony and affluence. Today, it suffers under the bane of the Arcane Seer, who has concealed the legendary Word Glyphs, twelve symbols that once ensured peace and prosperity in Talewind.

When brought together, these Word Glyphs unlock a powerful enchanted chest known as the Lorelock, which the Arcane Seer has filled with dreadful creatures termed “Shadow Glyphs.” These Glyphs have sown seeds of despair and scarcity across the kingdom. Our champions are tasked with journeying across the untamed landscapes, decoding hidden riddles, unlocking mysterious portals, and confronting these arcane creatures to reclaim the Word Glyphs and cleanse the kingdom of the Shadow Glyphs’ menace.

2. Solarpunk Setting: The Verde-Equilibrium Habitat

The stage is set in the environmentally sustainable city of Verde-Equilibrium, where the city’s lifeblood is intertwined through an advanced solar-powered grid. The “Sun Glyphs,” consisting of twelve fundamental phrases, operate this urban haven, preserving the perfect unity between humanity and nature.

However, a rogue AI known as SpectroVortex has infiltrated the system, concealing the Sun Glyphs and releasing energy-leeching entities dubbed “Eclipse Shadows.” These shadow entities are depleting the city of its solar energy, bringing the threat of perpetual darkness and disorder to Verde-Equilibrium.

Players are called upon to traverse through lush rooftop sanctuaries, thriving vertical agriculture zones, vibrant city greens, and complex solar power matrices. They must decipher intricate solar-based puzzles, interact with intelligent AI, and eliminate the Eclipse Shadows to recover the Sun Glyphs and return the city to its balanced brilliance.

3. Cyberpunk Setting: Neutropolis

In the futuristic paradise of Neutropolis, society flourishes under the life-giving atomic energy supplied by the omnipresent nuclear heart, termed “The Core.” The Core operates on a cryptographic sequence involving twelve “NeutronCodes” that maintain a secure and stable atomic reaction.

However, an imminent catastrophe looms as an elusive entity, the QuantumPhantom, has taken away the NeutronCodes and filled The Core with destructive “Plasma Shadows” – aberrant atomic entities that hold the potential to incite a nuclear meltdown, annihilating Neutropolis and its inhabitants.

Our champions navigate through gleaming steel cities, subterranean havens, neon-illuminated sky bridges, and industrial-style nuclear generators. They are tasked with deciphering atomic-themed codes, tackling mechanical opponents, neutralizing the Plasma Shadows, and retrieving the NeutronCodes to avert a nuclear catastrophe.

VI. Conclusion

DAO Dungeon aims to blend the worlds of gaming, blockchain, and DAOs, promoting an atmosphere of strategic collaboration and learning. The game strives to highlight the potential of DAOs, blockchain technology, and AI in an exciting, interactive, and community-driven gaming experience.

The Twitter account where the game will be run is @DAOgameDAO, so be sure to leave a follow!


Example DAO setup

Here as an example, we will go through the setup for the Shutter protoDAO specifically for this game.

Create a new space on Snapshot on Gnosis Chain with the token holders in the strategy so everyone can participate.

Set settings for a lower amount of time for votes on proposals since rounds in the game happen daily, as well as a low quorum.

We will use the Shutter Forum for discussions about actions and the Snapshot space to then vote on the actions that the character will take.

As mentioned above in the “Possible settings,” it is important that each DAO comes up with its own way of efficiently deciding its actions, so this is just one example of how we plan to do it.

Example game round

Here is an example of how a round in the game would/could go from the perspective of a player, aka a participating DAO.

  1. The round starts when the GM posts a new tweet thread based on the actions of the previous round. This will tell the players if their previous round actions succeeded or failed, as well as where and in what situation they are in the game currently.

  2. The player, aka the DAO, then comes up with whatever action they wish to take next. Likely this would be the members of the DAO coming up with different alternatives.

  3. These alternatives then get taken into a vote where the DAO chooses which action they will take.

  4. Once decided, the player, aka the DAO, posts their chosen action as a reply to the tweet thread, letting the GM know what their character does next.

  5. The GM then adds the character’s/player’s action into the input for ChatGPT, where the AI will determine the outcome of the chosen action.

  6. Next up will be another round again, repeating these steps.

Signing up!

To sign up as a DAO to play, you should reply in the DAO Dungeon Character Sign-up Thread with information about your DAO that wishes to participate, the following details for your character and optionally also some details as to how you plan to execute the governance of the DAO for the purpose of the game!






Hair color

Alliance (Name of your DAO)


The results are in!

The Shutter protoDAO members have voted, and the setting for the upcoming DAO Dungeon game is Solarpunk Setting: The Verde-Equilibrium Habitat.

The Solarpunk setting got 55.56% of the votes and the Cyberpunk setting got 44.44% of the votes. Thanks to all the 9 members that voted on this!

Solarpunk Setting: The Verde-Equilibrium Habitat

The stage is set in the environmentally sustainable city of Verde-Equilibrium, where the city’s lifeblood is intertwined through an advanced solar-powered grid. The “Sun Glyphs,” consisting of twelve fundamental phrases, operate this urban haven, preserving the perfect unity between humanity and nature.

However, a rogue AI known as SpectroVortex has infiltrated the system, concealing the Sun Glyphs and releasing energy-leeching entities dubbed “Eclipse Shadows.” These shadow entities are depleting the city of its solar energy, bringing the threat of perpetual darkness and disorder to Verde-Equilibrium.

Players are called upon to traverse through lush rooftop sanctuaries, thriving vertical agriculture zones, vibrant city greens, and complex solar power matrices. They must decipher intricate solar-based puzzles, interact with intelligent AI, and eliminate the Eclipse Shadows to recover the Sun Glyphs and return the city to its balanced brilliance.

Signing up to play!

Joining the game with your DAO is simple, just post your character details in the DAO Dungeon Character Sign-up Thread.